Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

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Nội dung chi tiết: Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

JUSTUS-L1EBIG-®UNIVERSITATGIESSENJUSTUS-LIEBIG UN1VERS1TÃT GIESSENlachbereich 09: Agrarwissenschaften, Õkotrophologie und UmweltmanagementAccess to Cr

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnamredit and Household Income in the Northern Mountains of VietnamInaugural-Dissertation zur I jlangung des Doktorgrades (Dr. Agr.)Faehbereieh Agranv iss

cnschalicn. Okotrophologie mid Umweltmanagemenl Institut fur Betriebslehre der Agrar - und I ■mahrungswirtschaftProfessur liir Projekt und Regionalpla Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

nungEingereiehl von: Do Xuan Luan (MSc.)Erstgutachter: Prof Dr. Siegfried Bauer Zweitgutachter: Prof. Dr. Rainer KuhlGiessen - November, 2015Sô hem hớ

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

t Trimợ tàtìỉ Hnc liêu — DH'r\'ỉrc tnn edti vnPREFACEThis volume provides a comprehensive analysis on the issues of rural credit conducted in the Nort

JUSTUS-L1EBIG-®UNIVERSITATGIESSENJUSTUS-LIEBIG UN1VERS1TÃT GIESSENlachbereich 09: Agrarwissenschaften, Õkotrophologie und UmweltmanagementAccess to Cr

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam of Giessen. Germany. A crucial advantage of this study is that it combined various econometrics tools using data collected from the national househol

d surveys to examine the extent to which credit serves the poor, with regard to access constraints and income impacts.The empirical findings reveal th Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

at the poor, especially the poorest households arc still undciscrvcd by overall rural credit. The Agribank credit lends to provide to wealthier househ

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

olds and informal credit serves households that are closer to and above the relative poverty line. Subsidized credit successfully targeted the poor, i

JUSTUS-L1EBIG-®UNIVERSITATGIESSENJUSTUS-LIEBIG UN1VERS1TÃT GIESSENlachbereich 09: Agrarwissenschaften, Õkotrophologie und UmweltmanagementAccess to Cr

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnamid agricultural extension services ill determining credit accessibility by nrral households. Whereas a significant increase in household income can be

achieved through accessing commercial and informal loans, there is no significant increase ill all income components for associated recipients of sub Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

sidized credit. Based on the findings of rhe study, a set of policy implications aimed at improving poverty targeting and credit access can increase t

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

he impact of credit on reducing poverty in a sustainable manner.l or tire editors: Siegfried Bauer. University of Giessen. GermanyACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI ns

JUSTUS-L1EBIG-®UNIVERSITATGIESSENJUSTUS-LIEBIG UN1VERS1TÃT GIESSENlachbereich 09: Agrarwissenschaften, Õkotrophologie und UmweltmanagementAccess to Cr

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnamoughout this process. T am also thankful to my second supervisor Prof. Dr. Rainer Kiihl for his constructive suggestions. Guidance and understanding f

rom both supervisors proved crucial to the successful completion of tins work. My thanks also go to the members of the examination committee, Prof. Dr Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

. Ĩngrid-Uĩe T.eonhauser, Prof. Dr. Joachim Aurbacher and Prof. Dr. Michael Schmitz. The administrative support and cooperation of Mrs. Schlocker, Dr.

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

Evelina and Dr. Tarig is also worth mentioning. 1 would also like to express my appreciation to Heinz Lakes for his technical support, to Mr. Danner

JUSTUS-L1EBIG-®UNIVERSITATGIESSENJUSTUS-LIEBIG UN1VERS1TÃT GIESSENlachbereich 09: Agrarwissenschaften, Õkotrophologie und UmweltmanagementAccess to Cr

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam Ministry of Education and Training for the doctoral scholarship. My sincere thanks go to rhe faculty of economics and rural development at Thai Nguye

n University of Agriculture and Forestry. 1 would like to thank the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) of Vietnam for providing the data Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

and Dr. Kieu Thi Tim Huong for supporting me in my application for the doctoral program. I would like to fake this opportunity to thank Mr. Nguyen Th

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

anh Vu and international colleagues for then support.The inspiration and support of my father Do Xnan Luong, mother Vu Thi San, my brothers and sister

JUSTUS-L1EBIG-®UNIVERSITATGIESSENJUSTUS-LIEBIG UN1VERS1TÃT GIESSENlachbereich 09: Agrarwissenschaften, Õkotrophologie und UmweltmanagementAccess to Cr

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam wife Duong Thi Thu Hang for their inspiration, support and sacrifice.Síỉ hóa hời Trtmọ tàỉìì ỉ-ỉnc liêu — DHT\Thttn:A■Stinv Ire tỉìii íĩíỉu vtìTABLE

OF CONTENTSiTABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................iLIST OF TABLES........................................ Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

.........viiiLIST OF FIGURES...................................................XLIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS...............................xi1.I

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam

NTRODUCTION...................................................11.1Background of the study.....................................11.2Statement of the pro

JUSTUS-L1EBIG-®UNIVERSITATGIESSENJUSTUS-LIEBIG UN1VERS1TÃT GIESSENlachbereich 09: Agrarwissenschaften, Õkotrophologie und UmweltmanagementAccess to Cr

Access to credit and household income in the northern mountains of vietnam..................4

JUSTUS-L1EBIG-®UNIVERSITATGIESSENJUSTUS-LIEBIG UN1VERS1TÃT GIESSENlachbereich 09: Agrarwissenschaften, Õkotrophologie und UmweltmanagementAccess to Cr