CROW MILLS (Centennial Mills) 1362 NW Naito ParkwayPortlandMultnomah County OregonHAERNo. OR-184WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATAPHOTOGRAPHSHIST Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.PdfTORIC AMERICAN ENGINEERING RECORD National Park ServiceU.S. Department of Interior909 1st Avenue. 5 th FloorSeattle. WA 98104CROW MILLSHAER No. OR-184(Page 2) support its own wheat export trade and (hen enlarged and improved (he facility over the next (he four decades.Project Information: This repor Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdft was prepared by George Kramer, M.S.. HP. Senior Historic Preservation Consultant. Heritage Research Associates. Inc.. Eugene. Oregon, wider contract
to the Portland Development Commission. Lynda Warmamaker. Wannamaker Consulting, served as the Project Manager, in association with Irene Bowers. PorCROW MILLS (Centennial Mills) 1362 NW Naito ParkwayPortlandMultnomah County OregonHAERNo. OR-184WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATAPHOTOGRAPHSHIST Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfding the Seed Mill, were completed in 1910 with serial additions including elevators, warehouses, and related facilities to expand capacity throughout the first five decades of the twentieth century. Centennial Mills (former Crown Mills) last operated in the late 1990s.Subsequent modifications, enti Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfrely related to the conversion of former warehouse space for use by the Pollland Police Bureau's mounted unit, occurred in 2000-2001.Architect/Enginee
r: The first phase of construction of the Crown Mills, including the Flour Mill. Grain Elevator A. and Warehouse A as developed by Balfour & Guthrie. CROW MILLS (Centennial Mills) 1362 NW Naito ParkwayPortlandMultnomah County OregonHAERNo. OR-184WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATAPHOTOGRAPHSHIST Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfof California pioneers. Educated at the University of California. Berkeley, he graduated in 1899 with a B s. in Mechanics. After working in the Alaskan gold fields, where he designed and built mining equipment. Reseller returned to San Francisco and established a consulting engineering firm wider hi Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfs own name. Prolific and versatile. Reseller’s work included design for a wide variety of industrial plants as well as wharves, docks, coal barges, go
ld dredges, electrical and marine engineering and more. Neat the end of his neat-fifty years of practice, he did classified work for the Atomic EnergyCROW MILLS (Centennial Mills) 1362 NW Naito ParkwayPortlandMultnomah County OregonHAERNo. OR-184WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATAPHOTOGRAPHSHIST Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfor B at Crown Mills, built in 1925. Leland Rosener died in California, on 24-April-1963.Building on Reseller's design, a series of prominent Portland-based architectwal films were responsible for the various additions to the mill. The film of Whitehouse and Foulihoux was responsible for the second m Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfajor phase of construction at Crown Mills, drawing the plans fol the Blending Bins that were constructed in 1916 Morris Whitehouse (1878-1944). a Port
land native, graduated from MIT 111 1905 and retruned to Portland in 1907 to establish the first 111 a series of architectural partnerships. The WhiteCROW MILLS (Centennial Mills) 1362 NW Naito ParkwayPortlandMultnomah County OregonHAERNo. OR-184WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATAPHOTOGRAPHSHIST Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdf1 American Society of Civil Engineers. Rosener. Leland Sylan: ASCE Life Member (Ì878-196Ì). WWW (visited 13-August-2O15).CROWN MILLSHAER No. OR-184(Page 3)Fouilhoux entered the military. “The film was liighly successful and carried out many important commissions in Portland, including Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.PdfJefferson High School (1910). Lincoln High School (1911), the Multnomah Athletic Club (1911), the University Club. Platt Building. Waverly Country Clu
b and the 705 Davis Apartments (all in 1913).”-1 olio wing the dissolution of the linn. Morris Whitehouse continued to work for Crown Mills independenCROW MILLS (Centennial Mills) 1362 NW Naito ParkwayPortlandMultnomah County OregonHAERNo. OR-184WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATAPHOTOGRAPHSHIST Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfe western portion of Warehouse c at Crown Mills. Ernest Boyd "F..B.” MacNaughton. was an architect in Portland tor over twenty years but is today most remembered for his second career, as a banker and civic leader . Educated al Mil , m 1903 he fust partnered with Edgar Lazarus (later to partner w it Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfh Whitehouse) but in 1906 opened Ins own office, hiring Ellis Lawrence (another MIT graduate) as his chief designer the following year. ’ MacNaughton'
s “architecnnal” partnership with Robert H. Strong was apparently shortlived and appears to have moiphed Hilo the Strong. MacNaugliton Trust Company, CROW MILLS (Centennial Mills) 1362 NW Naito ParkwayPortlandMultnomah County OregonHAERNo. OR-184WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATAPHOTOGRAPHSHIST Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdf 1932 and would also serve as the president of Reed College and the Oregonian Publishing Company over a long and influential career. MacNaughton died 111 I960.5Beginning in 1928 and continuing through 1941. the last phase of major construction at Crown Mills was designed and built by L H. Hoffman Th Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfis included the construction of Grain Elevator c. the addition of the mezzanine level in Warehouse B. the eastern portion of Warehouse E. most of Ware
house C. and other work. Lee Haw ley Hofthian. president and founder of the Hoffman Construction Company, was bom in Portland in 1884 and graduated wiCROW MILLS (Centennial Mills) 1362 NW Naito ParkwayPortlandMultnomah County OregonHAERNo. OR-184WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATAPHOTOGRAPHSHIST Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfilhoux until 1917.6 * After leaving architecture. Hoffman may have moved into contracting with his father, a prominent Portland-area builder. In 1922 he established the Hoffman Construction Company, winch quickly grew into the one of the hugest contracting films in the western United Slates. Lee 11. Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdf Hoflhran died in August 1959 * lhe lloffinanRilz. Richard Ellison. strrhữerrs of Oregon. Portland. OR: Lair Hill Publishing. 2002:121.: Ellis Fuller
Lawrence (1879-1946) is of note as the founding dean of the School of Architecture and .Wied Arts at die University of Oregon, in Eugene, which is houCROW MILLS (Centennial Mills) 1362 NW Naito ParkwayPortlandMultnomah County OregonHAERNo. OR-184WRITTEN HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE DATAPHOTOGRAPHSHIST Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfponsible for die plan of the u of o Campus Quadrangle and most of ils buildings prior Io World War Two.See. for example. The Heppner Herald. 1-January-1924.4:4. or ữreỊỊonian. 30-September-1922.6:6. Robert Ilendcrson Strong (1880-1951) born in Portland into a notable pioneer family, was a former mem Haer-Or-184_Crown-Mills-Portland-Or-Final-Submital-7-July-2016.Pdfber of the Port of Portland Commission and held numerous other civic roles but does not appear to have been educated, trained or licensed as an archit