Masters thesis of engineering performance of fluid structure interaction based on analytical and computational techniques

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masters thesis of engineering performance of fluid structure interaction based on analytical and computational techniques

Masters thesis of engineering performance of fluid structure interaction based on analytical and computational techniques

Performance of Fluid-Structure Interaction based on Analytical and Computational TechniquesA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for fo

Masters thesis of engineering performance of fluid structure interaction based on analytical and computational techniquesor the degree of Master of EngineeringPongpat ThavornpattanapongBEngSupervisor: Prof. .Jiyuan TuAssociate Supervisor: Dr. Sherman c.p. CheungSchool of

Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering RMIT UniversityMarch, 2011© CopyrightbyPongpat Thavornpattanapong2011to my MO THER and FATHER wit Masters thesis of engineering performance of fluid structure interaction based on analytical and computational techniques

h loveiiiContentsList of Tables.................................................... ixList of Figures.................................................

Masters thesis of engineering performance of fluid structure interaction based on analytical and computational techniques

... XAbstract........................................................ xiiiAcknowledgments.................................................. xviPublica

Performance of Fluid-Structure Interaction based on Analytical and Computational TechniquesA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for fo

Masters thesis of engineering performance of fluid structure interaction based on analytical and computational techniques.............................................. 11.1Background.................................................. 11.2Outline of thesis.................

.......................... 81.3Summary of contributions.................................... 92Literaturereview........................................ Masters thesis of engineering performance of fluid structure interaction based on analytical and computational techniques

..... 112.1Frame of reference ........................................ 112.1.1Lagrangian frame..................................... 112.1.2Eulerian fr

Masters thesis of engineering performance of fluid structure interaction based on analytical and computational techniques

ame....................................... 122.1.3Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian frame.................. 132.2Fluid-structure interaction..............

Performance of Fluid-Structure Interaction based on Analytical and Computational TechniquesA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for fo

Performance of Fluid-Structure Interaction based on Analytical and Computational TechniquesA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for fo