The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

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Nội dung chi tiết: The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

The Women's Movement in Indonesia's Pesantren:Negotiating Islam. Culture. and ModernityA thesis presented tothe faculty ofthe Center foi International

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernityl Studies of Ohio UniversityIn paitial fulfillmentof the requirements for the degreeMaster of ArtsKhariroh Khariroh40330© 2010 Kharửoh Kliarnoh. All R

ights Reserved.3ABSTRACTKHARIROH. KHARIROH. M.A.. June 2010. Southeast Asian StudiesThe Women's Movement in Indonesia's Pesantien Negotiating Islam, C The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

ulture, and Modernity (165 pp.)Director of Thesis: Loren D. LybargerThis thesis explores the women's movement 111 Indonesia's pesantren and their cont

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

ributions to develop gender equality in the traditionalist Muslim communities, particularly in Java, after the downfall of the Suharto regime 1998. By

The Women's Movement in Indonesia's Pesantren:Negotiating Islam. Culture. and ModernityA thesis presented tothe faculty ofthe Center foi International

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernityhe issues for which they are striving, such as women's advocacy against domestic violence, women's leadership, and reinterpretation of religious texts

. Tins study also examines the internal and external factors influencing the movement to provide deeper understanding about women in pesantren. and ho The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

w they negotiate gender roles 111 the light of Islamic tradition, local cultrue and a modern context.This thesis argues that the women's movement 111

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

pesantren constitutes an independent development that explicitly breaks with the secular premise that grounds then ideologies. Secular feminism gams r

The Women's Movement in Indonesia's Pesantren:Negotiating Islam. Culture. and ModernityA thesis presented tothe faculty ofthe Center foi International

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernityucture of these comnnuiities on religious groiuids.Approved:____________________________________________________________________Loren D. LybargerAssis

tant Professor of Classics and World Religions4ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis thesis could not have been possible without the assistance, patience, motivation. e The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

ncouragement and kindness of my professors, colleagues. fi lends and family. The list of those to whom Ĩ have become indebted in the process of rhe wr

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

iting of tins thesis is loo long to be presented in full here. 1 am grateful to all of them, first and foremost to my family. My mother and my father

The Women's Movement in Indonesia's Pesantren:Negotiating Islam. Culture. and ModernityA thesis presented tothe faculty ofthe Center foi International

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernityirin, and our children Saka and Sophia, that my utmost appreciation IS due. Then love, patience, and understanding have made my intellectual journeys

possible. Without their present during my study ar Ohio University, my life would be miserable.This woik. I must admit, was only possible because of t The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

he encouragement of my committee members: Dr. Loren D. Lybarger. Professor Elizabeth Fuller Collins, Dr. Ami Tickamyer. who have exerted extraordinary

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

amounts of time tuid energy hl leaching me and supporting my r esearch. The} not Olli} super vised the writing of the thesis horn the beginning, but

The Women's Movement in Indonesia's Pesantren:Negotiating Islam. Culture. and ModernityA thesis presented tothe faculty ofthe Center foi International

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernityversity, particularly Dr. Gene Ammarell, Dr. Risa Whitson. Dr. Haley Dnschinski. Dr. William Frederick. Dr. Hany Avcling. and Dr. Patricia Stokes. Fro

m them. 1 learned that seeking knowledge and wisdom is a never-ending process. Special mention should be made to librarians in the Southeast Asian col The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

lection of Alden library , especially Lusi. Jeff Shane, and Keng We Koh. who helped me a lot to find the references for my work5I have also been extre

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

mely fortunate in having had a number of friends and colleagues that desene my acknowledgement. I need to mention some of them here: Fahrina So. Eric

The Women's Movement in Indonesia's Pesantren:Negotiating Islam. Culture. and ModernityA thesis presented tothe faculty ofthe Center foi International

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernityyah Alin, Adila Prasojo. .Anthony Medrano. Phiiom Leng. Nurcahyati Karsono. Pittaya Paladroi. Ashley Arzy. sinoun. Bethany. Preston Silvey. Molly Ruth

. Kate. Ben. Elizabeth. Heyam. Marina. Abbey, and Jenny as well as my Indonesian fellow PERMIAS members whose names could not be mentioned here, also The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

desen e my sincere thanks.I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my participants who became key soiuces of information for this thesis. They

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

are Kyai Husem Muhammad. Faqihuddm Abdul Kodir. Nyai Lilik Nihayah. Masruchah. Nur Roff ah. Aan Anshoriyah. Nyai Ruqayyah. Najlah Naqiyah. Teh Enung.

The Women's Movement in Indonesia's Pesantren:Negotiating Islam. Culture. and ModernityA thesis presented tothe faculty ofthe Center foi International

The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernitye without the scholarship from Ford Foundation with its International Fellowship Program (IFP). I would like to thank HE New York and IIEF Jakarta for

their kind assistance andhospitality.6TABLE OF CONTENTSPageABSTRACT.........................................................3 The womens movement in indonesias pesantren negotiating islam, culture, and modernity

The Women's Movement in Indonesia's Pesantren:Negotiating Islam. Culture. and ModernityA thesis presented tothe faculty ofthe Center foi International