Unified deep neural networks for anotomical site classification and lesion segmentation for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

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Nội dung chi tiết: Unified deep neural networks for anotomical site classification and lesion segmentation for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

Unified deep neural networks for anotomical site classification and lesion segmentation for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

Hanoi University of Science and TechnologySchool of Information and Communication TechnologyMaster Thesis ill Data ScienceUnified Deep Neural Networks

Unified deep neural networks for anotomical site classification and lesion segmentation for upper gastrointestinal endoscopys for Anatomical Site Classification and Lesion Segmentation for Upper Gastrointestinal EndoscopyNGUYEN DUY MANH inanh.nd202657m o.sis.liusl .edu.vnSu

pervisor: Dr. I ran Vinh DueHanoi 10-2022Author’s DeclarationIhereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. The results in this work arc no Unified deep neural networks for anotomical site classification and lesion segmentation for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

t complete copies of any other works.STUDENTNguyen Duy ManhContentsContentsAbstractList of FiguresList of TablesList of Acronyms1Introduction11.1Gener

Unified deep neural networks for anotomical site classification and lesion segmentation for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

al introduction . ........................................... 11.2Objectives........................................................ 21.3Main contribu

Hanoi University of Science and TechnologySchool of Information and Communication TechnologyMaster Thesis ill Data ScienceUnified Deep Neural Networks

Unified deep neural networks for anotomical site classification and lesion segmentation for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and Machine Learning32.1Basic concepts.................................................... 32.2Types of learning.....................................

............ 42.2.1Supervised learning........................................ 42.2.2Unsupervised learning...................................... 52.2. Unified deep neural networks for anotomical site classification and lesion segmentation for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

3Reinforcement learning..................................... 52.3Techniques........................................................ 72.3.1Deep I/earni

Unified deep neural networks for anotomical site classification and lesion segmentation for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy

ng............................................. Learning and Neural Networks..................

Hanoi University of Science and TechnologySchool of Information and Communication TechnologyMaster Thesis ill Data ScienceUnified Deep Neural Networks

Unified deep neural networks for anotomical site classification and lesion segmentation for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy Convolutional Network ........................112.3.l.GTraining a Neural Network ........................ 11

Hanoi University of Science and TechnologySchool of Information and Communication TechnologyMaster Thesis ill Data ScienceUnified Deep Neural Networks