Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

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Nội dung chi tiết: Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

RMITUNIVERSITYSocial Inclusion Practices of Elite Universities in Australia and Malaysia: A Comparative PerspectiveA thesis submitted 111 fulfilment o

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspectiveof tile requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Management)Rosnii Yuhasni Mohamed Yusuf M.A. University of Nottingham BBA (Hons). MARA Un

iversity of TechnologySchool of Management College of Business RMIT University42186DeclarationI certify that except where due acknowledgement lias bee Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

n made, the work IS that of the author alone: the work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any other academic award

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

, the content of the thesis IS the result of work which has been earned out since the official commencement date of the approved research program: any

RMITUNIVERSITYSocial Inclusion Practices of Elite Universities in Australia and Malaysia: A Comparative PerspectiveA thesis submitted 111 fulfilment o

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspectiveohamed Yusuf27 July, 2015iACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAlhamduliỉlah. All praises to the God. to whom I pray and seek guidance, for giving the strength and his ble

ssing in completing this thesis. I wish to express my greatest gratitude to the following people who have inspired and supported my research journey.M Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

y supervisors. Associate Professor Sharif As-Saber and Dr Warren Staples, gave continuous guidance, support and encouragement that weie vital tluougli

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

out this difficult but rewarding journey. The supervisory characteristics of Associate Professor Sharif were calm. cool, understanding and undoubtedly

RMITUNIVERSITYSocial Inclusion Practices of Elite Universities in Australia and Malaysia: A Comparative PerspectiveA thesis submitted 111 fulfilment o

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspectiveformative suggestions, moral support and constructive criticism on this thesis have trained me to be a better academic writer, more critical, yet real

istic researcher.My main sponsors, the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and MARA University of Tecluiology (UiTM). are thanked for providing me t Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

he opportrurity to enhance my academic career. I am indebted to officers working at the elite universities where crucial information and data were obt

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

ained. Also, a special thanks to the following academics for their guidance and valuable supports: Professor Michael Cuthill. Professor Morslũdi Skat.

RMITUNIVERSITYSocial Inclusion Practices of Elite Universities in Australia and Malaysia: A Comparative PerspectiveA thesis submitted 111 fulfilment o

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspectiveokes. Rosdin and Di Nthati Rametseiirhe staff ill Business Research office and the School of Management. RM11 University, ill particular Miss Prue Lam

ont, Mrs Kalpana. Mrs Elizabeth Pufek and Mrs Dini Danna Putri for providing a conducive research environment and general support. 1 also thank Di Jef Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

frey Keddie from Monash University tor providing necessary support during the editing stages of this thesis.T am indebted to the doctoral ‘comrades' Ĩ

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

met during my PhD journey, for their friendship and support, especially to my respected doctoral brothers' and ‘sisters’: Khalid Hossain. ĩbrahim Al-

RMITUNIVERSITYSocial Inclusion Practices of Elite Universities in Australia and Malaysia: A Comparative PerspectiveA thesis submitted 111 fulfilment o

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspectiveFadhly. Also to my Australian mates: Jacob. Sam Perry. 111th and Shaiizal for providing me with the entertainment needed when I was on occasional rese

arch break. Finally. I would like to acknowledge all participants in tills research who were willing to spend their precious time and energy and to sh Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

are then insightful thoughts and experience.iiiDEDICATIONThis thesis is dedicated to my parents, siblings, fiancee and especially to my late father. M

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

ohamed Yusuf Hassan (1934-2010), who he himself was a teacher by profession He inspired me to be an academic, raised me with good civic and cultural v

RMITUNIVERSITYSocial Inclusion Practices of Elite Universities in Australia and Malaysia: A Comparative PerspectiveA thesis submitted 111 fulfilment o

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspectived thanks to my beloved mother. Norsiah Hasan, for her unconditional love and sacrifice, especially at times when I was in difficulties. She will be ul

timately proud of this milestone.To my dearest siblings. Rosdi and Roswani. To my fiancee. Wan Nurfaraliin. I hope that this thesis may inspire you to Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

excel 111 your postgraduate joimiey.ivTABLE OF CONTENTSStatement of Authorslnp.......................................................iAcknowledgments

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

..............................................................iiDedication...................................................................ivTable o

RMITUNIVERSITYSocial Inclusion Practices of Elite Universities in Australia and Malaysia: A Comparative PerspectiveA thesis submitted 111 fulfilment o

Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspectiveiList of Figures.............................................................xiiList of Abbreviations.................................................

.....xiii Doctoral thesis of philosophy social inclusion practices of elite universities in australia and malaysia a comparative perspective

RMITUNIVERSITYSocial Inclusion Practices of Elite Universities in Australia and Malaysia: A Comparative PerspectiveA thesis submitted 111 fulfilment o