Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market

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Nội dung chi tiết: Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market

Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market

• RMITUNIVERSITYUnderwriter Allocation Discretion, Investor Participation and IPO Pricing: Evidence from the Indian IPO marketA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo marketulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyNirav ParikhMasters of FinanceSchool of Economics, Finance and Marketing College o

f Business RMIT University42887DeclarationI certify that except where due acknowledgement has been made, the work is that of the author alone; the wor Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market

k has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any other academic award; the content of this thesis is the result of work wh

Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market

ich has been carried out since the official commencement date of the approved research program; and, any editorial work, paid or unpaid, carried out b

• RMITUNIVERSITYUnderwriter Allocation Discretion, Investor Participation and IPO Pricing: Evidence from the Indian IPO marketA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo marketledgementsI should begin by expressing gratitude to my supervisors, Dr Vijaya Marisetty and Dr Monica Tan for their guidance and advice throughout my

PhD journey. My discussions and shared ideas with Dr Marisetty have provided the framework for my thesis. Right to the end, Dr Tan continued to monito Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market

r and encourage my efforts and was always available with valuable suggestions, critical direction and sound advice. For this, I will always be gratefu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market

l to her. My supervisors' intellect and passion for excellence have motivated me to discover my potential as a researcher and as an independent thinke

• RMITUNIVERSITYUnderwriter Allocation Discretion, Investor Participation and IPO Pricing: Evidence from the Indian IPO marketA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo marketDr Trevor Kollmann with whom I had important discussions on research methods.I wish to acknowledge the managing editor of Smart Investment, Mr Dilip K

. Shah for providing the grey market data for my thesis.I am grateful to Dr Michael Gangemi, Dr Silvia Islam, Dr Kaleel Rehman and Dr Sivagowry Sriana Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market

nthakumar for offering me additional research and teaching opportunities.A special thanks to my fellow PhD student Gaurangi Laud with whom I shared ma

Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market

ny, many insightful and invigorating discussions. I am also thankful to my HDR friends Vineet Tawani, Girija Chowk and Jeff Fang, who were always a gr

• RMITUNIVERSITYUnderwriter Allocation Discretion, Investor Participation and IPO Pricing: Evidence from the Indian IPO marketA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo marketh this journey. I would also like to thank my brother Brijal, and uncle Nailesh Kadakia, for also being the source of my strength and endurance. And i

n this, I must also take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my mother for so many things.Finally, I acknowledge the support I have received f Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market

or my research through the provision of an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship. I extend my gratefulness to RMIT University fo

Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market

r providing financial support for my doctoral study and also Ms Rilke Muir who offered her copy editing services.ivTable of ContentsDeclaration.......

• RMITUNIVERSITYUnderwriter Allocation Discretion, Investor Participation and IPO Pricing: Evidence from the Indian IPO marketA thesis submitted in fu

Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo marketnts...........................................................VList of Tables.............................................................ixList of Fi

gures.............................................................XList of Thesis Related Definitions.........................................xiAbstra Doctoral thesis of philosophy underwriter allocation discretion, investor participation and ipo pricing evidence from the indian ipo market


• RMITUNIVERSITYUnderwriter Allocation Discretion, Investor Participation and IPO Pricing: Evidence from the Indian IPO marketA thesis submitted in fu

• RMITUNIVERSITYUnderwriter Allocation Discretion, Investor Participation and IPO Pricing: Evidence from the Indian IPO marketA thesis submitted in fu