Nội dung chi tiết: Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approches
Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approches
STUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FENCEBASED ON BOTH EXPERIMENTAL ANDNUMERICAL APPROACHESTran Phuc Van41456DissertationSTUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FEN Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approchesNCEBASED ON BOTH EXPERIMENTAL ANDNUMERICAL APPROACHESGraduate School ofNatural Science & TechnologyKanazawa Univ ersilyMajor subject:Division of Env ironnicntal Design and 1 EngineeringCourse:E n V ironmcnl a 1 Cre a I ionSchool registration No.: 1023142421Name: Tran Phuc VanChief advisor: Koji Maeg Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approchesavvaAbstractThe imperative need to protect structures in mountainous areas against rockfall has led to the development of various protection methods.
Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approches
This study introduces a new type of rockfall protection fence made of posts, wire ropes, wire-netting and energy absorbers. The performance of Illis rSTUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FENCEBASED ON BOTH EXPERIMENTAL ANDNUMERICAL APPROACHESTran Phuc Van41456DissertationSTUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FEN Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approchesslope and struck the rock fence at the end of the slope. A specialized system of measuring instillments was employed to accurately measure the acceleration of the block without cable connection, hl particular, the performance of two types of energy absorber, which contribute also to preventing wire Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approchesropes from breaking, was investigated to determine (he best energy absorber, hl numerical simulation, a commercial Unite element code having explicit
Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approches
dynamic capabilities was employed to create models of the two tiill-scale tests. To facilitate simulation, certain simplifying assumptions for mechaniSTUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FENCEBASED ON BOTH EXPERIMENTAL ANDNUMERICAL APPROACHESTran Phuc Van41456DissertationSTUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FEN Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approchesd experimental data validated the numerical simulation. Furthermore, rhe results of numerical simulation helped highlight limitations of the testing method, rhe results of numerical simulation thus provide a deeper understanding of the structural behavior of individual components of rhe rock fence d Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approchesuring rockfall impact.Tn addition, a modified prototype is introduced as a developed prototype of the wirerope fence. The cost-reducing modifications
Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approches
arc increased post spacing and fewer wire netting layers. The numerical procedure again provides rhe nonlinear response of rhe prototype under variousSTUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FENCEBASED ON BOTH EXPERIMENTAL ANDNUMERICAL APPROACHESTran Phuc Van41456DissertationSTUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FEN Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approchese resistance is developed from analysis. Finally, the practical application of two units of the prototype to protect a wide area IS investigated employing the numerical procedure.AcknowledgmentsFrom the bottom of my heart. I would like to express my honest gratitude and high appreciation to my acade Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approchesmic supervisor, Professor Koji Maegawa. foi his continuous supports and kind encouragements, which strongly inspire me during the journey of doctoial
Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approches
course at Kanazawa University and successfully drive inc to the end of the journey. The outstanding directions from him that I was guided at the everySTUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FENCEBASED ON BOTH EXPERIMENTAL ANDNUMERICAL APPROACHESTran Phuc Van41456DissertationSTUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FEN Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approches Ministry of Education and liaiiiing for providing financial support dining entile period of study. Sincere appreciations are due to Raiteku Company. My study would not be completed without the enormous supports from the company for full-scale tests that arc key portion in my study. 1 also wish to e Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approchesxpress my deepest gratitude to Kanazawa University as well as all members of Student Affair, who enthusiastically helped me since the begriming of my
Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approches
study and also the family life in Kanazawa.I am extremely thanktill to Mr. Yukio Abe and Mr. Mi Tenio, who kindly helped me and my family since 1 starSTUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FENCEBASED ON BOTH EXPERIMENTAL ANDNUMERICAL APPROACHESTran Phuc Van41456DissertationSTUDY OF A ROCKFALL PROTECTIVE FEN Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approches both my study mid daily life. 1 or those 1 could not name them all. and for this purpose let me appreciate them.1 honestly express my deepest respect and extreme gratitude to my dear parents, brothers, sisters, beloved wife and my son for their patience, unconditional love, and support, strongly in Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approchesspired me to accomplish my study.iiContentsAbstract1Acknowledgments.............................................................iiChapter! Introductio
Study of a rockfall protective fence based on both experimental and numerical approches