Total English Plus Supplementary materials

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Total English Plus Supplementary materials

Total EnglishSupplementary MaterialsElementary Pre-lntermedlate Intermediate Upper-IntermediateTotal EnglishSupplementary MaterialsElementaryTotal Eng

Total English Plus Supplementary materialsglishSupplementary Materials ElementaryUnitlElementaryDo you know...?1 Fill in the chart below with a job, family word and country/nationality for eac

h of the letters your teacher calls out.LETTERJOBFAMILY WORDCOUNTRY/ NATIONALITYSCORESFINAL SCORE:2 Now look at your partner's filled in chart. Check Total English Plus Supplementary materials

that all the words are spelt correctly. Use your Students' Book to make any corrections.Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education.All rights reserved.VAVW lo

Total English Plus Supplementary materials

nqman com/totalenqlish/Total EnglishElementaryTEACHER’S NOTES:Do you know...?Aim: to practise and consolidate key vocabulary from unit 1; jobs, family

Total EnglishSupplementary MaterialsElementary Pre-lntermedlate Intermediate Upper-IntermediateTotal EnglishSupplementary MaterialsElementaryTotal Eng

Total English Plus Supplementary materialse worksheet for each student.1To warm students up for the game, ask them to shout out the names of jobs, countries and family words that they can reme

mber from unit 1.2Explain that you are going to call out a letter from the alphabet and they have to try and fill in a job/family word/country/nationa Total English Plus Supplementary materials

lity starting with that letter. For each word they get, they get five points.3Call out the following letters: A, s, B, p, cA - Artist, architect, aunt

Total English Plus Supplementary materials

, Australian/Australia, America/Americans - Student, secretary, shop assistant, sister, son, stepbrother, Spain/SpanishB - Bank clerk, brother, best f

Total EnglishSupplementary MaterialsElementary Pre-lntermedlate Intermediate Upper-IntermediateTotal EnglishSupplementary MaterialsElementaryTotal Eng

Total English Plus Supplementary materialss, tell the students there are only 2 categories to fill in, and let them know (if you think this is necessary) which ones they are:

Total EnglishSupplementary MaterialsElementary Pre-lntermedlate Intermediate Upper-IntermediateTotal EnglishSupplementary MaterialsElementaryTotal Eng