Android apps for absolute beginners

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Nội dung chi tiết: Android apps for absolute beginners

Android apps for absolute beginners

Get started building your very own Android appsAndroid Appsfor Absolute BeginnersWallace JacksonApress*Contents at a GlanceContents...................

Android apps for absolute beginners.........................................VAbout the Author...................................................XAbout the Technical Reviewer............

..........................XiAcknowledgments..................................................xiiIntroduction.......................................... Android apps for absolute beginners

..........xiiiChapter 1: Preliminary Information: Before We Get started.........1Chapter 2: What’s Next? Our Road Ahead...........................11Ch

Android apps for absolute beginners

apter 3: Setting Up Your Android Development Environment.......19Chapter 4: Introducing the Android Software Development Platform.41Chapter 5: Android

Get started building your very own Android appsAndroid Appsfor Absolute BeginnersWallace JacksonApress*Contents at a GlanceContents...................

Android apps for absolute beginnersus, and Dialogs...............115Chapter 8: An Introduction to Graphics Resources in Android.....147Chapter 9: Adding Interactivity: Handling Ul Event

s.............183Chapter 10:Understanding Content Providers.....................217Chapter 11:Understanding Intents andIntent Fitters............255Ch Android apps for absolute beginners

apter 12:The Future..........................................297Index............................................................311ỉvIntroductionOver

Android apps for absolute beginners

(he last two years, Google’s Android operating system (OS) has gone from a virtually unknown open source solution to the current mobile OS market lea

Get started building your very own Android appsAndroid Appsfor Absolute BeginnersWallace JacksonApress*Contents at a GlanceContents...................

Android apps for absolute beginnerset OS marketplace, and is also the foundation for the popular Ĩ1V OS known as GoogleTV. There seems to be no end in sight for Android’s rocketing succ

ess, which is great news for owners of this book.I've heard a great many people say. "I have a really phenomenal idea for a smartphone application! Ca Android apps for absolute beginners

n you program II for me!?” Rather than'sit hack and code all of these applications for everyone. 1 thought it might be a smarter idea to write a book

Android apps for absolute beginners

about how an absolute beginner could code an Android application using open source tools that cost nothing to download and that are free for commercia

Get started building your very own Android appsAndroid Appsfor Absolute BeginnersWallace JacksonApress*Contents at a GlanceContents...................

Android apps for absolute beginnerssource and Google's Android development environment. Oracle's Java programming Language. Linus Torvald's Linux operating system, the Eclipse code edit

ing software, and this book, vaporizing a software product out of thin air. and at no production cost other than your l»c and ''sweat equity,” is now Android apps for absolute beginners

a complete reality.The Target: The Programming NeophyteAs you may have inferred from the tide, this book assumes that you have never prognunmed before

Android apps for absolute beginners

in any programming language, h is written for someone who has never written a single line of code before, and who is thus unfamiliar with object-orie

Get started building your very own Android appsAndroid Appsfor Absolute BeginnersWallace JacksonApress*Contents at a GlanceContents...................

Android apps for absolute beginnerscreating Android applications.There are lots of Java and Android hooks out there, but all of these books assume you have programmed before, and know a

ll ahout OOP. I wanted to unite a hook that takes readers from knowing absolutely nothing about programming or knowing how to install a Software Devel Android apps for absolute beginners

opment Kit (SDK) and Integrated'Development Environment (IDE) all the way to being able to program Android applications using Java and XML.The Weapon:

Android apps for absolute beginners

Android, the Innovative Mobile Code EnvironmentAndroid is my Internet 2.0 development weapon of choice, because it allows me to develop highly advanc

Get started building your very own Android appsAndroid Appsfor Absolute BeginnersWallace JacksonApress*Contents at a GlanceContents...................

Get started building your very own Android appsAndroid Appsfor Absolute BeginnersWallace JacksonApress*Contents at a GlanceContents...................