Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses

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Nội dung chi tiết: Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses

Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses

TABLE OF CONTENTTABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................iLIST OF TABLE...............................................

Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses..............VDECLARATION..............................................................IAck n owl ed gmen t..........................................

............2Chapter 0: Introduction..................................................I0.1. Problems statement........................................ Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses

........I0.2. Overview of related studies (research situation)..................10.3. Research objectives.............................................

Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses

..30.4. Thesis question...................................................30.5. Research scope:...................................................40.6

TABLE OF CONTENTTABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................iLIST OF TABLE...............................................

Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businessess structure..................................................5Chapter 1 BASIC ISSUES ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THEACCESSIBILITY TO FINANCIAL INCLUSI

ON AND THE BUSINESSRESULTS OF MICRO BUSINESSES..............................................61.1.Overview of financial inclusion...................... Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses

.............61.1.1.Definition and history of financial inclusion development....

Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses

1.1.2 History of financial inclusion development................101.1.2Principles of financial inclusion............................131.1.3.Measuring

TABLE OF CONTENTTABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................iLIST OF TABLE...............................................

Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses................................. Landscape Studies.......................................................201.2.Financial inclusion

for micro-sized enterprise...................211.2.1.Definition and features of micro-sized enterprise...........211.2.2.Financial inclusion providers Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses

for micro sized enterprise....251.2.3.Financial inclusion sendees for micro sized enterprise......27i1.3.The relationship between accessibility to fi

Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses

nancial inclusion and businessperformance of micro sized enterprise.............................................281.3.1.Overview of accessibility to f

TABLE OF CONTENTTABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................iLIST OF TABLE...............................................

Basic issues on the relationship between the accessibility to financial inclusion and the business results of micro businesses.............................................291.3.2.Financial performance of MSEs..........................................29

TABLE OF CONTENTTABLE OF CONTENT.........................................................iLIST OF TABLE...............................................