Contrastive analysis quý

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Nội dung chi tiết: Contrastive analysis quý

Contrastive analysis quý

CONTRASTIVE ANALYSISREVISIONl.wliat is contrastive analysis? what are the detailed differences between Comparative linguistics and Contrastive linguis

Contrastive analysis quýstics? Give an example for illustration.- Contrastive analysis is the systematic study of two or more languages in order to identify their structural

differences and similarities, usually for the purpose of translation and language teaching.For example, this can be comparing English with Latin or Ba Contrastive analysis quý

sque with Iroquois._________differences between Comparative linguistics and Contrastive linguistics_Comparative linguisticsContrastive linguisticsGene

Contrastive analysis quý

rally speaking, comparative linguistics makes a diachronic study with a view to reconstructing forms in their lost parent languages, or classifying la

CONTRASTIVE ANALYSISREVISIONl.wliat is contrastive analysis? what are the detailed differences between Comparative linguistics and Contrastive linguis

Contrastive analysis quýmuch attention to their histories or language families.The subjects of comparison are limited to its parent language.The subjects of comparison may be

its parent or not parent language.Comparative linguistics aims at the homogeneity of the languages compared.Contrastive linguistics aims at the heter Contrastive analysis quý

ogeneity of the language compared.The languages compared are not limitedIn general, the languages compared are limited to a pair of languagesComparati

Contrastive analysis quý

ve linguistics is intended to penetrate and make clear the laws of historical development.Contrastive linguistics provides a practical use in language

CONTRASTIVE ANALYSISREVISIONl.wliat is contrastive analysis? what are the detailed differences between Comparative linguistics and Contrastive linguis

Contrastive analysis quýrences between or among languages compared. Eg: English is seen to be related to Italian if a number of words that have the same meaning and that have

not been borrowed are compared: piede and "foot," padre and "father, ” pesce and "fish."Contrastive linguistics focuses on the differences rather tha Contrastive analysis quý

n the similarities between pairs of languages when compared. Eg: comparative linguistic studies of Hungarian show its earliest links to Chinese and Ko

Contrastive analysis quý

rean, then how it was influenced by .Mongolian, Turkish and other languages as the Magyars moved west across Siberia and eventually into Europe2.What

CONTRASTIVE ANALYSISREVISIONl.wliat is contrastive analysis? what are the detailed differences between Comparative linguistics and Contrastive linguis

Contrastive analysis quý, framework and micro linguistics, and macro linguistics.Í. Contrastive analysis-Goal: The goal belongs to psychology whereas the means are derived fr

om linguistic sc ience.-Means: Contrastive analysis is a form of linguistics.2. Framework•Levels of language:•In general, it is stated that there arc Contrastive analysis quý

3 levels of language: a level of phonology, a level of lexis, and a level of grammar; or there are 4 levels of language: a level of phonology, a level

Contrastive analysis quý

of lexis, a level of morphology and a level of syntax. There is also another level of language called a mixing level which is allowed and sometimes f

CONTRASTIVE ANALYSISREVISIONl.wliat is contrastive analysis? what are the detailed differences between Comparative linguistics and Contrastive linguis

Contrastive analysis quýc purpose performed by the speaker in a certain situation or context.For example: " He's a student." (fall)" He'S a student? " ( rise )•Any contrastiv

e analysis involves 2 steps:+ there is the stage of desc ription when each of the two languages is described on the appropriate level+ the stage of ju Contrastive analysis quý

xtaposition for comparison•Categories of grammarLinguistic descriptions are in terms of these categories and there are 4 categories: unit, structure,

Contrastive analysis quý

class and system. They are universal, that is they are necessary and sufficient as a basis for the description of any language.a.UnitThe units of gram

CONTRASTIVE ANALYSISREVISIONl.wliat is contrastive analysis? what are the detailed differences between Comparative linguistics and Contrastive linguis

Contrastive analysis quý to the " largest “ )b.Structure•A structure is an arrangement of elements ordered in “ places”. There are 4 elements make up the structure of the uni

t “ clause “ in English arc: the subject (S), predicator (P), complement (C.) and adjunct/adverb/adverbial modifier (A)For example: His black cat caug Contrastive analysis quý

ht a big mouse Iasi Saturday night.s p c ATom took the keys from the table.SVC A•Morphemes being lhe smallest units on the level of grammar, have no g

Contrastive analysis quý

rammatical Structure, llicy are composed of phonological units.

CONTRASTIVE ANALYSISREVISIONl.wliat is contrastive analysis? what are the detailed differences between Comparative linguistics and Contrastive linguis

CONTRASTIVE ANALYSISREVISIONl.wliat is contrastive analysis? what are the detailed differences between Comparative linguistics and Contrastive linguis