Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companies

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Nội dung chi tiết: Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companies

Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companies

FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITYVJCC INSTITUTE____***__GRADUATION THESISMajor: International Business Specified in Japanese style International BusinessDIGITA

Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companiesAL TRANSFORMATION IN SUPPLYCHAIN AND RECOMMENDATIONS FORVIETNAMESE COMPANIESStudent name: Nguyên Khánh Ngọc LanStudent code : 1715520030Class: English

7Intake: K56Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trịnh Thị Thu HươngHanoi, July 10th, 2021DECLARATIONIherewith formally declare (hat I myself have written ( Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companies

he submitted GraduateThesis independently. I did not use any outside support except for (he quoted literature and other sources mentioned in the Refer

Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companies

ences of this Thesis.Hanoi, July 2021,Nguyen Khanh Ngoc LanACKNOWLEDGEMENTFirst and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advis

FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITYVJCC INSTITUTE____***__GRADUATION THESISMajor: International Business Specified in Japanese style International BusinessDIGITA

Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companiesm and immense knowledge helped me a lot in solidifying my point of view to construct the blueprint of this research. Ms. Huong is the best advisor tha

t I could ever imagine, who have not only performed excellently as an academic supervisor but also as a mentor in life.In addition, I would like to th Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companies

ank VJCC Institute for instant instruction and information during all the time of conducting this thesis. VJCC Institute was responsive and willing to

Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companies

address every student’s problems and obstacles, so that the process of finishing my graduation thesis was much more straightforward.Last but not leas

FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITYVJCC INSTITUTE____***__GRADUATION THESISMajor: International Business Specified in Japanese style International BusinessDIGITA

Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companiesNguyen Khanh Ngoc LanTABLE OF CONTENTINTRODUCTION............................................................. 1CHAPTER 1. THEORETICAL BASIS OF DIGITA

L TRANSFORMATIONIN SUPPLY CHAIN.......................................................... 71.1.Theory of digital transformation....................... Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companies

............ 71.1.i.Definition of digital transformation........................... 71.1.2.The differences between digitization, digitalization and di

Digital transformation in supply chain and recommendations for vietnamese companies

gitaltransformation.......................................................... 81.1.3.Construct of digital transformation............................ 8

FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITYVJCC INSTITUTE____***__GRADUATION THESISMajor: International Business Specified in Japanese style International BusinessDIGITA

FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITYVJCC INSTITUTE____***__GRADUATION THESISMajor: International Business Specified in Japanese style International BusinessDIGITA