Nội dung chi tiết: Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector development
Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector development
MINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGT AO NATIONAI-UNTVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMMANY I NTH I RATHEFFECTIVE AID COORDIN Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector developmentNATION IN LAO PDR: POLICY IMPLICATIONS FOR POWER SECTOR DEVELOPMENTSpecialty : Investment Economics (Development Economics)Code : Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh HaA dissertation submitted to the National Economics University infulfillment of requirements for the Degree ofDoctor o Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector developmentf Philosophy in EconomicsVientiane, 2013iiDECLARATIONI hereby declare that this dissertation is my own work and effort. The dissertation has not been
Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector development
submitted anywhere for any award. All the sources of information used have been well acknowledged.Date:Signature:Khammany IMHIRATHiiiACKNOWLEDGMENTI wMINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGT AO NATIONAI-UNTVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMMANY I NTH I RATHEFFECTIVE AID COORDIN Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector developmentthe significant findings. I wish to express my profound gratitude to my supervisor Associate Professor Dr NGUYEN Thanh Ha, National Economics University (Vietnam), for his great support and guidance throughout my study. His encouragement and constant attention contributed significantly to the outcom Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector developmente of this researchI am grateful to my sponsors such as the Ministry of Energy and Mining and the National University of Laos in enabling me to achieve
Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector development
a higher education at National Economics University. VietnamMany thanks to all interviewees whom shared knowledge and ideas. My sincere thanks out toMINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGT AO NATIONAI-UNTVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMMANY I NTH I RATHEFFECTIVE AID COORDIN Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector developmentnd many other officers whom were involved in my research. The European Commission Lao PDR Office international staff, the World Bank residential office and United Nations Development Programme staff who are involved in the aid effectiveness agenda in Laos and friends from development communities wer Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector developmente all of assistance in this reseach.Last but not least, man}- thanks are due to my wife and my family who provided me endless love with support and st
Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector development
rength through out of my life.ivTABLE OF CONTENTSDECL.ỸRATION.............................................iiACKNOWLEDGMENT............................MINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGT AO NATIONAI-UNTVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMMANY I NTH I RATHEFFECTIVE AID COORDIN Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector development........................Error! Bookmark not defined.RATIONALE................................................xiCHAPTER 1. LITERATURE REVIEW..............................1CHARIER 2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ON ODA COORDINATION EFFECTIVENESS.............................................62.1.Development Th Effective aid coordination in lao pdr policy implication for power sector developmenteory...................................62.2.Development Aid......................................7MINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGT AO NATIONAI-UNTVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMMANY I NTH I RATHEFFECTIVE AID COORDINMINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGT AO NATIONAI-UNTVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMMANY I NTH I RATHEFFECTIVE AID COORDIN