Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

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Nội dung chi tiết: Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSA number of people helped me when this thesis was on its ways. My grateful thanks in particular are to Assoc. Prof. Ton Nu Ah' Nhat, m

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structuremy supervisor, who has supported me a lot during the time I work on my thesis. Thanks for her kind encouragements, her endless patience, her critical

comments and her valuable materials. Iler invaluable reading of the drafts as well as her useful feedback have contributed to the final form of this t Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

hesis. Jh- sincere thanks are also to my family members for their cooking and doing rhe chores so as to help me save time to do this thesis. Special t

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

hanks are to my parents for their love and kind support during the time / was engaged in this work. 1 am also grateful to my friends and classmates fo

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSA number of people helped me when this thesis was on its ways. My grateful thanks in particular are to Assoc. Prof. Ton Nu Ah' Nhat, m

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure be possible without their contributions.Thank you all!iiSTATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPThis thesis represents my own work and due acknowledgment is given whe

never information is derived from other sources. No material which has been or is being concurrently submitted for any other qualification at any univ Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

ersity is found, except where due reference has been made in the text.Quy Nhon, 2019PHAN nil MY I1AOiiiABSTRACTThis study is a genre analysis of resea

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

rch article abstracts (RAAs) in the fields of applied linguistics. The data for this study is 30 RAAs from the two journals English far specific Purpo

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSA number of people helped me when this thesis was on its ways. My grateful thanks in particular are to Assoc. Prof. Ton Nu Ah' Nhat, m

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structureorical structure and the close inherent link between these two levels in this genre. Il is on the two approaches to genre analysis - the ESP approach

and the Systemic functional l inguistics (SI L) -that this study is situated. By applying Halliday & Malthicsscn’s (2004) systemic functional grammar Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

framework, and Santos’ (1996) move structure, the results reveal that although all types of processes arc present in these abstracts. Material and Rel

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

ational processes are the most prominent. Besides, most of the clauses arc non-modaliscd and contain mainly single unmarked topical theme; the use of

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSA number of people helped me when this thesis was on its ways. My grateful thanks in particular are to Assoc. Prof. Ton Nu Ah' Nhat, m

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structuree methodology (M3), Summarizing the results (M4) and Discussing the research (M5). Moreover, there is a close relationship between Icxico-scmanlic fea

tures and the moves identified. The results of this study can serve as data for further studies and contribute to methodological advancements in the f Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

ield of Genre analysis; it also holds pedagogical implications for teaching English for Academic Purposes.ivTABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.........

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

............................iSTATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP.............................iiABSTRACT...........................................iiiABBREVIATIONS

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSA number of people helped me when this thesis was on its ways. My grateful thanks in particular are to Assoc. Prof. Ton Nu Ah' Nhat, m

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure.1.RATIONALE......................................11.2.AIM AND OBJECTIVES.............................21.2.1.Aim of the study.........................

..21.2.2.Objectives of the study....................21.3.RESEARCH QUESTIONS.............................21.4.SCOPE OF THE STUDY....................... Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

......31.5.SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY......................31.6.ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY......................4CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW...........

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure

..............52.1.GENRE ANALYSIS.................................52.1.1.Genre defined..............................52.1.2.Approaches to Genre Analysi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSA number of people helped me when this thesis was on its ways. My grateful thanks in particular are to Assoc. Prof. Ton Nu Ah' Nhat, m

Luận văn thạc sĩ international research article abstracts a genre based study of linguistic features and move structure............10

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSA number of people helped me when this thesis was on its ways. My grateful thanks in particular are to Assoc. Prof. Ton Nu Ah' Nhat, m