Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

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Nội dung chi tiết: Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

1INTRODUCTION1.RationaleRecently, in front of the background of not only the focus of the government on developing the national economy and increasing

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities companyg industrialization -modernization but also the trend of rapidly developing and integrating economy, Vietnamese conglomerates are both having abundant

opportunities and facing with numerous challenges.Specifically, the national economy has innumerable difficulties because of the instability of inter Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

national economy and politics. In addition, the manufacturing and business of conglomerates also face many challenges. Vietnamese enterprises not only

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

must focus on innovating manufacturing, developing administering skills and improving cutting-edge technologies but also have to address financial pr

1INTRODUCTION1.RationaleRecently, in front of the background of not only the focus of the government on developing the national economy and increasing

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities companywith the aim of supporting enterprises to tackle financial issues. However, financial consultancy in Vietnam in recent years has still not met the dem

ands and the needs of enterprises, the challenges of the contemporary economy as well as not satisfy the expectation of the leaders and owners of cons Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

ulting firms. This reality requires us to have to have solutions to improve and develop financial consultancy for conglomerates and corporations in th

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

e period of expansion and integration with international economies.Through evaluating the possibility of catering for the services of financial consul

1INTRODUCTION1.RationaleRecently, in front of the background of not only the focus of the government on developing the national economy and increasing

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities companyant capacities for accessing and addressing issues which enterprises are facing with.At the present time, Vietnamese slock linns are having an abundan

ce of intractable difficulties in applying the financial consultancy for their own firms. The first rationale is the swift rocketing of the number of Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

stock corporations besides the2rapid development of Vietnamese stock market. Up to the day December 31“ 2014. stock capital in all Vietnamese market w

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

as 1,128 thousand billion dong, accounting for 31.5% of GDP. The number of slock companies in Vietnamese market were 4 in the year 2000, soaring to 10

1INTRODUCTION1.RationaleRecently, in front of the background of not only the focus of the government on developing the national economy and increasing

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities companyaking the stock market more dynamically, consolidating the stockmarket more strongly and bringing about more products and choices of inventors. Howeve

r, increasing the number of stock companies is one of root causes making a contribution to raise difficulties for slock linns through nanowing market Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

share. Secondly, following the route of joining WHO, since January II4’ 2012, stockcompanies having 100% capital from foreign countries have been esta

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

blished in Vietnam. Although domestic slock companies have had a long period to build theừ trade names, expand the customer net and improve the qualit

1INTRODUCTION1.RationaleRecently, in front of the background of not only the focus of the government on developing the national economy and increasing

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company. Compare to the achievement of international stock companies, the results which domestic stock companies achieved are still negligible.To be one of s

even stock companies established earliest in Vietnam. VietinBankSc have affirmed their posilon in the field of financial consultancy more sustainably Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

with every passing day. In recent years. VietinBankSc have focused on the financial consultancy of enterprises and consider that this activity is thei

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

r core activity- and top-ranking advantage. Nevertheless, in front of many difficulties of business envừonment, VielinBankSc really need solutions in

1INTRODUCTION1.RationaleRecently, in front of the background of not only the focus of the government on developing the national economy and increasing

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities companye name: “ Improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosullancy activities in Vielinbank Securities Company ”,2.Research objectives- To syste

matize theoretical matters about the enterprise financial consultancy of stock companies.3-To evaluate the reality of enterprise financial consultancy Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

in VietinBankSc and bring about a comprehensive view of enterprise financial consultancy in recent years.-To propose several solutions and recommenda

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

tions in order to develop activities about enterprise financial consultancy in VietinBankSc.3.The scope of research-The object of this research is the

1INTRODUCTION1.RationaleRecently, in front of the background of not only the focus of the government on developing the national economy and increasing

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities companyietinBankSc during the period 2014 - 2016.4.Research methodologyThis research utilized the method of dialectical materialism, combining with others in

cluding analyzing method, statistics, summary and comparison. In addition, illustrational model was made use of with the aim of bringing about some re Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

asonable analysis and suggestions, guaranteeing the scientific quality, reality and objectiveness of topics of this research.5.The structure of this r

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

esearchBesides some parts including the beginning, the conclusion, contents, tables of abbreviating letters, this thesis embrace 3 chapters:Chapter kO

1INTRODUCTION1.RationaleRecently, in front of the background of not only the focus of the government on developing the national economy and increasing

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities companyonsultancy in VielinBankSc.Chapter 3: Solutions and recommendations in order to developing the activity of enterprise financial consultancy in VielinB

ankSc.4CHAPTER 1.OVERALL THEORY ABOUT THE ACTIVITIES OF ENTERPRISE FINANCIAL CONSULTANCY OF STOCK COMPANIES1.1. The overview of stock companies7. 7.1. Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

The definition of stock companiesStock markets is the places where stock is traded and switched. There are abundant objects involving stock markets b

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

ut there are negligible individuals having capacity of analyzing and specifying the price of stock. Hence, during the process of taking shape and deve

1INTRODUCTION1.RationaleRecently, in front of the background of not only the focus of the government on developing the national economy and increasing

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities companyets is conducted through intermediary financial organizations, most through stock companies.Following The Stock Law number 70/2006 QH11 (reforming fro

m The law number 62/2012/QH12), stock companies are joint-stock companies, limited liability companies which are established basing on the Vietnamese Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

lilies in order to conduct trade following licenses issued by the State Security Commission of Vietnam. Stock companies have permission to do some fol

Luận văn tiếng anh improving the effectiveness of enterprise financial cosultancy activities in vietinbank securities company

lowing trade:-To mediate stock-Privately trading stock-To issue stock

1INTRODUCTION1.RationaleRecently, in front of the background of not only the focus of the government on developing the national economy and increasing

1INTRODUCTION1.RationaleRecently, in front of the background of not only the focus of the government on developing the national economy and increasing