Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’of the requirements for the degree of Master of ScienceSimon Stuart MitchellBachelor of Applied Science (Applied Physics) RMIT UniversitySchool of Sci

enceCollege of Science, Engineering and HealthRMIT University42705DECLARATION1 certify that except where due acknowledgement has been made, the work i Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

s that of the author alone; the work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any other academic award; the content of t

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

he thesis is the result of work which has been carried out since the official commencement dale of the approved research program; any editorial work,

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’e received for my research through the provision of an Australian Government Research Training Program ScholarshipName:Simon Stuart MitchellDale:42723

iiABSTRACTWildfires, or bushfires as they are known in Australia, are a natural occurrence in nearly every country over the globe, which take place du Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

ring the hotter months of the year. Wildfires can be triggered through natural events, such as lightning strikes, which account for half of all wildfi

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

res in Australia, or through human induced methods, for example deliberately lit or through failure of infrastructure or equipment. In Australia, fire

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’towers or spotter aircraft, but in countries such as Australia, with a large extent of land that needs to be monitored, leads remote sensing technique

s to be the obvious choice in providing resources in gathering this information when compared to other methods. Remote sensing technologies provide ef Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

ficient and economical means of acquiring fire and fire-related information over large areas at regional to global scale on a routine basis, allowing

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

for the early detection and monitoring of active fire fronts, which is essential for emergency services in responding timely to outbreaks of wildfires

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’atellite sensing system from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). The satellite is envisioned, as part of a constellation of satellites, to provide dete

ction and characterization of fires at a higher spatial resolution when compared to the current standard global coverage from the MODIS fire products. Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

This study aims to validate the output from the detection and characterization algorithm, to provide a guide for the sensitivity of the system, espec

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

ially for low power (small area and low temperature) fires. This consisted of conducting a simulation study into the limits of detection for the syste

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’detecting hotspots, for the purpose of determining limits of operation and as an aid in developing tests to assess the accuracy of the algorithm in de

tecting and characterizing fires. Determining the sensitivity involved ascertaining the minimum area and temperatures (in illcombination the total ene Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

rgy emitted by a fire) of a fire that would be able to be detected by the algorithm. The study found that under ideal conditions, the TET-1 detection

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

and characterization algorithm is theoretically able to detect a fire of only Im2, albeit for temperatures of 1000K (approx. 727’C) and over. As the a

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’gnificantly large, for example 100m3, the detectable temperatures falls to 500K (227°C), which is considered a smouldering temperature.The characteriz

ation portion of the algorithm was found to accurately estimate the fire characteristics with low systematic errors (area ±12% and temperature ±3%). A Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

djusting the background temperature was found to not significantly influence either the detection or the estimation of the fire characteristics.A case

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

study was performed to validate the results from the simulation study, which was conducted near the town of Kangaroo Ground on 31“ July 2015. This wa

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’stigating the output from the camera system, although the fire could be seen in the MIR image in two adjoining pixels, the fire did not possess enough

power to trigger the automatic detection threshold of the algorithm, and as such was not classified as a legitimate fire. Although not detected, a co Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

mparison was made of the energy emitted by the fire (measured in radiance to directly compare with the camera) to the amount detected by the satellite

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

. The energy from the fire was determined to be; lMlH = 0.302 w/sr.m’pm and lTIR = 7.612 w/, while the radiances captured by the sensors was;

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’ show that the MIR radiances were comparable, but that the TIR radiances were not, although no definitive reason for this discrepancy could be determi

ned. Other errors with the output from the satellite cameraivsystem were found, most serious being the geo-location of the pixels. The reported positi Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

on of the test site by the camera system differed by over 12km from the actual location of the test site.VACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirstly, I would like to tha

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

nk my supervisors, Prof Simon Jones and Dr Karin Reinke, for all of the guidance, support and encouragement given to me for this project. Most of all,

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’ although I will not miss the late night Skype sessions.Secondly, I would like to thank Dr Eckehard Lorenz for all the guidance and assistance that yo

u provided to me on my project, and for giving me insights into the realities of working on a satellite program. When it seemed that there might be ir Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

reparable damage to the satellite, you were quietly confident that all the issues could be resolved and that my project would continue. It was a pleas

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

ure to help you in resolving them.Thirdly, I would like to thank Dr Andreas Eckardt, Dr Peter Moar and Mr Frank Lehmann, who were Instrumental in prov

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’tarted. A special thank you goes to Mrs Ute Dombrowski, for all the help with the day to day realities (and unrealities) of living in a foreign countr

y.Fourthly, I would like to acknowledge Mark Robey for his help with ArcGIS. Your suggestion allowed the project to continue, when it was looking rath Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

er precarious.Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank my wife Yulia, who opened my eyes to the greater possibilities that life has to off

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’

er and who always believed in me and my abilities. You were always willing to give love, support and encouragement, even when you were going through y

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o

Masters thesis of science validating the tet 1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire ‘hotspots’e to give you all my time.vl

• RMITUNIVERSITYValidating the TET-1 satellite sensing system in detecting and characterizing active fire 'hotspots'A thesis submitted in fulfilment o