New inside out intermediate teachers book

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Nội dung chi tiết: New inside out intermediate teachers book

New inside out intermediate teachers book

NewSue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Helena Gomm, Peter Maggs& Chris DawsonIntermediateTeacher’s BookMACMILLANwww.frenalish.ru_____________Macmillan EducationBe

New inside out intermediate teachers booketween Towns Road, Oxford 0X4 3PP A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the worldISBN 978-Ữ.23Ơ-0G910-3T

ext © Sue Kay and Vaughan Jones 2C09Text by Helena GommPhotocopiablc resource materials and language and cultural notes by Peter Maggs.Design and illu New inside out intermediate teachers book

stration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2IK9First published 2609AU rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retriev

New inside out intermediate teachers book

al system, transmitted In any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permissi

NewSue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Helena Gomm, Peter Maggs& Chris DawsonIntermediateTeacher’s BookMACMILLANwww.frenalish.ru_____________Macmillan EducationBe

New inside out intermediate teachers bookn of Macmillan Publishers Limited. However, please note that the copyright law, which does not normally permit multiple copying of published material,

applies to the rest of this book.Designed by 320 Design LimitedPago layout by Carolyn GibsonIllustrated by Beach, Angus Cameron, Peter Campbell, Celi New inside out intermediate teachers book

a Canning, Paul Collicut, Ivan Gillet, Peter Harper, Hen Hasler, Ed McLachlan, Colin Meir and Gary Rees Cover design by Andrew OliverTiro authors and

New inside out intermediate teachers book

publishers would like to thank Ute following for permission to reproduce their material: Quotation from Lĩnỵtuìgỉ and Problems of Knowledge by Noam Ch

NewSue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Helena Gomm, Peter Maggs& Chris DawsonIntermediateTeacher’s BookMACMILLANwww.frenalish.ru_____________Macmillan EducationBe

New inside out intermediate teachers bookon from Undersltiiiding Second Language Acquisition by Rod Ellis copyright © Rod Ellis 1985, reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press.The a

uthors and publisher arc grateful for permission to reprint the following copyright material:You've Cot A Friend - Words and Music by Carole King copy New inside out intermediate teachers book

right ©Screen Gems-EMl Music Inc/Screen Gems-Music limited 1971, reprinted by permission of International Music Publications Ltd (a trading name of Fa

New inside out intermediate teachers book

ber Musk Ltd). All Rights Reserved;Ji's My Party - Words and Music by IWener Herb, Gottlieb Seymour, John, Jr. Gluck and Wally Cold, © 1963 (Renewed)

NewSue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Helena Gomm, Peter Maggs& Chris DawsonIntermediateTeacher’s BookMACMILLANwww.frenalish.ru_____________Macmillan EducationBe

New inside out intermediate teachers bookblishing MGB Limited. Used by permission of Musk Sales I jmited. All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured;Drrftcahd Mlouvr of I'nsliiflii

- Words and Music by Roy Davies copyright © Dovray Music Limited and Carlin Music Corporation, London, NW1 8BD, 1966, reprinted by permission of die p New inside out intermediate teachers book

ublisher. All Rights Reserved.Quotation from Language mid Problems pf Knowledge by Noam Chomsky, copyright © Noam Chomsky 1988 Massachusetts Institute

New inside out intermediate teachers book

of Tedmology, reprinted by permission of Hie MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.Quotation • Reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press. Fro

NewSue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Helena Gomm, Peter Maggs& Chris DawsonIntermediateTeacher’s BookMACMILLANwww.frenalish.ru_____________Macmillan EducationBe

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and bound in Great Britain by Martins the Printers2013 2012 2011 2010 203910 997654321WWW.frenalish.ruContents

NewSue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Helena Gomm, Peter Maggs& Chris DawsonIntermediateTeacher’s BookMACMILLANwww.frenalish.ru_____________Macmillan EducationBe

NewSue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Helena Gomm, Peter Maggs& Chris DawsonIntermediateTeacher’s BookMACMILLANwww.frenalish.ru_____________Macmillan EducationBe