Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellites

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Nội dung chi tiết: Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellites

Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellites

NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCEDoctoral DissertationAnalysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in Asian dom

Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellitesmestic chicken populations based on microsatellitesAdvisors: Yen-Pai Lee, Ph.D.Chih-Fcng Chen, Ph.D.Graduate Student: Pham Manh HungJuly, 2013KHOfRWIf

rftOMNational Chung HiNational Chung Hsing UniversityDepartment of Animal ScienceDoctoral DissertationTitle: Analysis of genetic diversity and conserv Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellites

ation priorities in Asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellitesName: Pham Manh HungStudent ID: 8097037004This work has been approved a

Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellites

nd recommended acceptance in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyAdvisors:Yen-Pai Lee (£$ ■§■), PhD.Chih-Fen

NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCEDoctoral DissertationAnalysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in Asian dom

Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellitesn Cheng o&ft), Ph D.Date: 07/18/2013ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSIt is impossible to complete my Ph D. program without the help and support from many people. 1 owe

my deep gratitude to those who made this Doctoral dissertation as much as possible.Firstly. I would sincerely thank my advisors. Prof. Yen-Pai Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellites

Prof. Chih-Feng Chen mid Dr. Iran Xuan lloan. lor your daily supervision and great supports during my Ph D. program. T hereby would like to give my sp

Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellites

ecial thanks to Prof. Michele Tixier-Boichaid, Dr. Cecile Bert ho Illy-Salazar and Dr Richard Crooijmans lor your critically scientific suggestions an

NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCEDoctoral DissertationAnalysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in Asian dom

Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellitesltry Breeding T ab members, teachers in Department of Animal Science. National Chung Hsing University, as well as many colleagues for your kind helps

and sharing experiences, especially Mr. Wen-Long Hsiao for Chinese translation of rhe abstract.I am very gratefill to the members of Department of Ani Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellites

mal Breeding and Genetics, Institute of Agricultural Sciences tor Southern Vietnam and rhe recent Institute of Animal Sciences of Southern Vietnam. Mi

Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellites

nistry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam for your valuable supports within my study period.My special thanks arc given to the colleagues

NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCEDoctoral DissertationAnalysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in Asian dom

Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellitesing information of chicken populations.The project is nor successfully done without rhe financial support from the National Science Council, laiwan. P

ersonally, 1 gratefully acknowledge a grant from Taiwan Scholarship Program.I hereby would like to respect my all dear family members tor your great s Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellites

upport and encouragement. I am never forgetting your kind contributions to me.Finally. 1 wish to express my deepest love to my wife. Pham Ila Phuong,

Analysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in asian domestic chicken populations based on microsatellites

and my little daughter. Pliam Phuong Ngan. This Doctoral dissertation IS for your endless love and patience since the summer of 2009. Cám ơn gia đình,

NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCEDoctoral DissertationAnalysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in Asian dom

NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITYDEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCEDoctoral DissertationAnalysis of genetic diversity and conservation priorities in Asian dom