Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

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Nội dung chi tiết: Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in Australia: Assessment and MeasurementA thesis submitted in fulfilment of rhe requirements for the deg

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurementgree of Doctor of PhilosophyZijad PitaSchool of Business Information Technology Faculty of Business RM IT University39114DedarnlionDeclarationI certif

y that except where clue acknowledgement has been made, the work is that of the author alone; the work has not been submitted previously, in whole of Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

in part, to qualify for any other academic award: the content of the thesis is the result of work which has been carried out since the official commen

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

cement date of the approved research program; and. there has been no editorial work, paid or unpaid, carried out by a third party on this thesis.Zijad

Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in Australia: Assessment and MeasurementA thesis submitted in fulfilment of rhe requirements for the deg

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement top management identify strategic applications and align Information Technology (IT) with business needs. Like all strategic planning. SISP requires

measuring how well SISP is done and how planning IS improving over time. The measurement of these intangibles is a complex exercise. There have been f Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

ew efforts undertaken in the Information Systems (IS) literature to formally develop a model for assessing and measuring SISP efforts.In this study, t

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

wo models were proposed: a five-stage SISP maturity model for defining SISP maturity and another one for assessing the degree of SISP maturity. The fi

Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in Australia: Assessment and MeasurementA thesis submitted in fulfilment of rhe requirements for the deg

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement. The assessment model was structured as a third-order system, where eight first-order dimensions were termed as Form and Content. Collaboration. Poli

cies. Stakeholders’ Designation. Knowledge Bank. Technology. Time Dimension, and Viability. The first-order dimensions were grouped into three second- Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

order constructs. namely Effectiveness. Efficiency and Manoeuvrability. which ultimately characterise the level of SISP success. This model was used t

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

o establish a theoretical benchmark for each SISP maturity level.To model the level of SISP maturity, an ‘Integral Engineering' approach was establish

Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in Australia: Assessment and MeasurementA thesis submitted in fulfilment of rhe requirements for the deg

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurementonstructs into a single overall measure of SISP maturity level.A survey was performed and data collected from 260 Australian organisations to examine

the degree of SISP maturity and the relationships among SISP constructs. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the fit between the hypo Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

thesized model and the survey data The models were applied to the data collected and the findings suggested that the models fit the data well.While Ef

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

fectiveness and Efficiency are well recognised planning constructs. Manoeuvrability as a measure of planning dynamics IS not acknowledged in the liter

Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in Australia: Assessment and MeasurementA thesis submitted in fulfilment of rhe requirements for the deg

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurementportant than theiiiAbstractEfficiency construct. Tile empirical data did not confirm the existence of Rudimentary and Ineffectual planning levels of S

1SP maturity Australia-wide. S1SP maturity in the majority of Australian organisations is at Sustainable and Attainable planning levels. A small perce Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

ntage of the sun eyed organisations have actually reached the highest planning level {Adaptable planning), rhe empirical data showed that current S1SP

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

is lacking strategic dimension and that the recently popularised one-year planning horizon may not be tire best choice. Australian organisations did

Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in Australia: Assessment and MeasurementA thesis submitted in fulfilment of rhe requirements for the deg

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement1 came as a secondary objective.ivAcknowledgementsAcknowledgementsIt is impossible to name all the people who helped 111 this research for the last SI

X years. To all who helped. I am forever grateful for your contributions.I would first of all like to thank my supervisor Dr. France Cheong for the gr Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

eat support given to me during these hard years. He provided me with the complete freedom to explore my own interests and his guidance assisted me thr

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

oughout this research.My special gratitude also goes out to Professor Brian Corbitt for his tune and valuable direction. The discussions held between

Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in Australia: Assessment and MeasurementA thesis submitted in fulfilment of rhe requirements for the deg

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurementesteemed colleague Professor Dorothy Leidner. Professor of Information Systems at the Baylor University. USA Her support was a key motivator to endure

the hard times.I am also indebted to Rozann Saaty of the Creative Decisions Foundation. Pittsburgh and William Adams of Embry Riddle Aeronautical Uni Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

versity. Florida who developed the SuperDecisions software, working with Rozann. Without the use of this software and invaluable direction from Rozann

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

. this study would have been impossible to complete.I would like to thank my family for being patient with me for all these years, hl particular. I am

Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in Australia: Assessment and MeasurementA thesis submitted in fulfilment of rhe requirements for the deg

Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurementistance 111 the collection of the data for the research. I also owe apologies to my little white dog Kiki. for all those walks to the park that he did

not receive.Last but not least. I am deeply gratefill to my wife Senada from whom I selfishly stole much time but whose support was endless throughou Doctoral thesis of philosophy strategic information systems planning (sisp) in australia assessment and measurement

t this venture.VTable of Contents

Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in Australia: Assessment and MeasurementA thesis submitted in fulfilment of rhe requirements for the deg

Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) in Australia: Assessment and MeasurementA thesis submitted in fulfilment of rhe requirements for the deg