Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

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Nội dung chi tiết: Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationssubmitted m partial I'ullihueul of the requuemeut for die degree of Doctor of Project ManagementNg, Chui-Ha (Tracy)Master of Education (Workplace). RM

IT. Australia.Master of Business Administration, CUJ IK. I long Kong.Bachelor of Science (Computer Science). CUHK. Hong Kong.School of Property, Const Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

ruction and Project ManagementRMIT University41183DeclarationI certify that except where due acknowledgement has been made, the work is that of the au

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

thor alone; rhe work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in pan, to qualify for any other academic award: the content of thesis is the resu

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationsed out by a third party is acknowledged.Signed:Ng. Chui-1 la (Tracy).Time. 2012iiAcknowledgementsI would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone

who assisted me during (he various stages of this thesis.I sincerely acknowledge the lime, energy and patience horn my supervisor. Professor Derek Wa Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

lker and co-supervisor Dr. Ginger Levin, who spent time reading drafts, providing comments, correcting my grammar and giving me (he required guidance

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

to enable me to complete this thesis. More importantly, they provided the inspiration and encouragement throughout the entire length of tins thesis. D

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationsk you to the sponsorships horn the senior managers of the (luce case study organisations and participants in the case study organisations who took the

time to participate in interviews, validate interview summaries and comment on the case study reports. I would also like to mention the four pilot in Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

terview participants who arc senior project management practitioners in the Hong Kong IT sector. They provided me great insight to this thesis and ful

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

filled some of the gaps in my knowledge.I am also grateful to all the friends from the postgraduate students ar RMII for being my antecedents on the p

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationsee. Arif and 1 inis: they demonstrated to me the path is difficult but fruitful. In I long Kong. I am also lucky to have my friends l.ousia. Daisy. Ol

ivia and Hung, who have access to local university libraries and helped me a lol OU book rentals. I would also like to express thanks to rhe boss of m Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

y part-time job. Tommy, for his trust and for giving me lire complete flexibility to manage my lime among work, study and family.Last but not least. I

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

would like to thank my parents and family members who supported me to pursue this doctoral degree. In particular. I would like to acknowledge my pare

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationsalways encouraged his children to learn and pursue the highest education they could My mother, with low- literacy, is also a genius. She took care of

neighbors’ kids to support our family. Most of these kids, including her four children, have been able to obtain territory education and have become c Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

ontributing citizens to rhe society. This thesis is dedicated to the memory of my late father. He gave me the courage to overcome all odds.IllAbstract

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

“How can a project-baaed enterprise accumulate its core competencies when it retits all the human capital?" is a question from DeFillippi & Arthur (19

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationsctor.Today, large Hong Kong organisations have an increasing reliance on IT and IT projects TO sharpen then- competitive edge, hl parallel, contingent

employment on IT projects has become a global trend and is only expected To increase. There are various concerns about rhe risks on The projects and Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

the project organisations because of the turnover of project team members. Organisational knowledge generated from the projects is rarely retained whe

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

n the contingent workers leave the project organisations; individual contingent workers might l>e frustrated by rhe lack of commitment on Their future

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationsonal learning, adversely affects rhe IT project management capabilities of organisations and thus risks the survival of organisations in the competiti

on. Nevertheless, it was found that there was limited referential research undertaken on 11 project management capability enhancement through the use Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

of contingent employment even though there were numerous studies about IT project management, contingent employment, and enhancing IT project manageme

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

nt capabilities (the three core rhemes of this thesis). The link joining these themes is missing; there is a gap in the existing knowledge areas. Base

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationsapabilities to business successes; (ii) identify and explain the contingent and permanent employment policies of IT professionals (including project m

anagers) Ú1 large Hong Kong organisations; (iii) investigate and explain the impacts of contingent employment policies on enhancing IT project managem Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

ent capabilities; (iv) identify and explain the practices of advancing IT project management capabilities as an individual, as a group and as a large

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

organisation; and (v) identify and present possible solutions to satisfy the needs to advance IT project management capabilities using contingent empl

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationse, comparative design. Three case studies were conducted in this thesis. The research method mainly relied on open-ended interviews supported by semi-

structured interview’s and triangulations using documentation and archival records. It basically took the qualitative approach. The three case study o Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

rganisations are typical large organisations and major employers of the Hong Kong IT workforce. The first and second case study organisations (CỈ-PB a

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

nd C2-VD) are representative of a large IT users organisation and an IT and communications services organisation (the two key categories of IT employe

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationsit employs a low percentage (below 20%) of contingent IT workers and is a typical IT users organisation.The case studies and comparative analysis conc

lude that the degree of projectisation. project resource strategies and investment on IT project management capabilities have to tit the organisation’ Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

s specific business dynamics and change over time. The business situation of organisations determines the IT projects’ scale and complexity. These fac

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

tors lead the IT groups to be organised along the spectrum as functional. balanced matrix or projectised structures. An organisation with higher proje

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationsntinue enhancing 1I project management capability, while depending oil ail increasing percentage of mobile external resources (including contingent wo

rkers), an organisation may invest more on project governance and support structures. project management methodologies and tools; It may prefer to ret Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

ain in-house stair to capture the tacit organisational knowledge and invest in cognitive and operational learning to retain codified organisational kn

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

owledge. It may be weak in reflective learning and social learning processes, rhe social capital development m relation to project management capabili

Exploring C ontingent Employment Policy in IT - Impacts upon IT Project Management Capabilities Enhancement in Targe Hong Kong OrganisationsA thesis s

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisationsanded to bey ond the organisational boundary is not well mediated although various forms of social networks within and beyond the organisational bound

ary exist. It is found to be an under-developed area m large Hong Kong organisations. From die contingent workers’ perspective, they typically gel int Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

o contingent employment work voluntarily unless they arc young IT professionals or older technology IT workers. They enjoy the positive impacts brough

Doctoral thesis of project management exploring contingent employment policy in it – impacts upon it project management capabilities enhancement in large hong kong organisations

t from contingent employment although they may dislike or accept the negative impacts associated with this type of employment, rhe relationship with a