Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practices

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Nội dung chi tiết: Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practices

Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practices

Investigating the Cultivation Effects of Television Advertisements and Agricultural Knowledge Gaps on College Students' Perceptions of Modern Daily Hu

Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practicesusbandry PracticesThesisPresented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degiee Master of Science in the Graduate School of The Ohio State

UniversityByAnnie Ruth Specht. B.S.. B.A.Graduate Program in Agricultural & Extension EducationThe Ohio State University2010Thesis Committee:Emily B. Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practices

Rhoades. AdvisorM. Susie WhittingtonAbstractThe unrealistic images of American agricultural piactices generated by commodity television advertising,

Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practices

coupled with a dearth of agricultural knowledge in modem society, may promote misunderstandings of modern agriculture based on cultivation and knowled

Investigating the Cultivation Effects of Television Advertisements and Agricultural Knowledge Gaps on College Students' Perceptions of Modern Daily Hu

Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practicesons of dairy husbandly practices, compared affective responses to those advertisements to fact-based video content, and correlated these responses wit

h agricultural awareness and television consumption habits. No significant relationship between perceptions of dairy farm practices, awareness, and TV Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practices

consumption was found, but participants reported a more positive response to the informational videos. The researchers recommend a movement away from

Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practices

purely entertaining advertising content for agricultural products in favor of more realistic, fact-based promotions.https://thuvienf.cori!Dedicatio

Investigating the Cultivation Effects of Television Advertisements and Agricultural Knowledge Gaps on College Students' Perceptions of Modern Daily Hu

Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practicesington for their wisdom and support. Thanks also go to the rest of her Buckeye family in the Department of Human & Community Resource Development. The

y have been an instrumental and invaluable part of the research process.ivVitaMay 2004 ...............................DoverHigh School39600B.s. Agricu Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practices

lture. B.A. Humanities.Magna Cum Lande.The Ohio State UniversitySeptember 2009 to presentGraduate Teaching Associate. Department of Human & Community

Investigating the cultivation effects of television advertisements and agricultural knowledge gaps on college students’ perceptions of modern dairy husbandry practices

Resource Development. The Ohio State University40391................................M.S.Agriculture. The Ohio State UniversityFields of StudyMajor Fie

Investigating the Cultivation Effects of Television Advertisements and Agricultural Knowledge Gaps on College Students' Perceptions of Modern Daily Hu

Investigating the Cultivation Effects of Television Advertisements and Agricultural Knowledge Gaps on College Students' Perceptions of Modern Daily Hu