Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm

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Nội dung chi tiết: Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm

Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm

arXiv: 1308.1177vl [math.AP] 6 Aug 2013Linear Stability Analysis of a Hot Plasma in a Solid Torus*Toaii T. Nguyen' Walter A. Strauss*41493AbstractThis

Linear stability analysis of a hot plasms paper is a first step toward understanding the effect of toroidal geometry on the rigorous stability theory of plasmas. We consider a collisionless

plasma inside a torus, modeled by the relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system. The surface of the toms is perfectly conducting and it reflects the particle Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm

s specularly. We provide sharp criteria for the stability of equilibria under the assumption that the particle distributions and the electromagnetic f

Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm

ields depend otdy on the cross-sectional variables of the torus.Contents1Introduction21.1Toroidal symmetry............................................

arXiv: 1308.1177vl [math.AP] 6 Aug 2013Linear Stability Analysis of a Hot Plasma in a Solid Torus*Toaii T. Nguyen' Walter A. Strauss*41493AbstractThis

Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm.................................... 61.4Main results................................................................... 82Thesymmetric system92.1The

equations in toroidal coordinates.......................................... 92.2Boundary conditions................................................... Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm

........ 102.3Linearization................................................................. 112.4The Vlasov operators................................

Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm

.......................... 122.5Growing modes................................................................. 132.6Properties of £° .................

arXiv: 1308.1177vl [math.AP] 6 Aug 2013Linear Stability Analysis of a Hot Plasma in a Solid Torus*Toaii T. Nguyen' Walter A. Strauss*41493AbstractThis

Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm3.2Growing modes are pure........................................................ 163.3Minimization...................................................

............... 183.4Proof of stability............................................................ 21’Department of Mathematics, Pennsylvania Stale U Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm

niversity, University Park, PA 16802, USA. Email:’Department of Mathematics anil Lcfschclz Center for Dynamical Systems. Brown Un

Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm

iversity. Providence, III 02912, USA. Email:‘Research of the authors was supported in part by the NSF under grants DMS-110882

arXiv: 1308.1177vl [math.AP] 6 Aug 2013Linear Stability Analysis of a Hot Plasma in a Solid Torus*Toaii T. Nguyen' Walter A. Strauss*41493AbstractThis

Linear stability analysis of a hot plasmov-Maxwell system is assumed to be valid inside a solid torus (see Figure 1), which we take for simplicity to beíĩ = Ịx = (£I,X2,£3) € R3 : (a-++ *3 <

1Ị.The specular condition at the boundary is/±(t,x,v) = /±(í,x,t.’- 2(t? ■ n(a-))n(j)),n(z)-v<0, X G ỚÍÌ, (1.4)where n(x) denotes the outward normal Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm

vector of ỚÍỈ at X. The perfect conductor boundary condition isE(t,x) X n(x) = 0, B(t,x) • n(x) = 0, X e d

Linear stability analysis of a hot plasm

hese boundary conditions is that the total energyi(t) = f f mr+r )+1 (|E|2+|B|2) dx

arXiv: 1308.1177vl [math.AP] 6 Aug 2013Linear Stability Analysis of a Hot Plasma in a Solid Torus*Toaii T. Nguyen' Walter A. Strauss*41493AbstractThis

arXiv: 1308.1177vl [math.AP] 6 Aug 2013Linear Stability Analysis of a Hot Plasma in a Solid Torus*Toaii T. Nguyen' Walter A. Strauss*41493AbstractThis