Nội dung chi tiết: A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r
A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r
MINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGLAOS NATIONAL UNIVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMSEN SISAVONGA STUDY ON THE IMPACT OFFO A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d rOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT ONECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF LAO P.D.R.A thesis submitted to the National Economics University in fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in EconomicsHanoi, 2014DECLARATION/ hereby declare that this dissertation is my own work and effort. The disserta A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d rtion has not been submitted anywhere for any award. All the sources of information used have been well acknowledged.Date:SignatureKHAMSEN SISAVONGiiAC
A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r
KNOWLEDGMENTSThe Vietnam - Lao Cooperative Program Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) between NEU and NUOL is very important, necessary, valuable and beneficiMINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGLAOS NATIONAL UNIVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMSEN SISAVONGA STUDY ON THE IMPACT OFFO A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r the leaders. Administrators. Professors of the National Economics University of Vietnam and National University of Laos to give me this excellence opportunities to achieve my dream of PhD.I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Tran Tho Dal. Assoc. Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Ha and other profe A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d rssors who were in the committees for evaluation of my dissertation in the early stages of my PhD study.1 am deeply indebted to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen
A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r
Thi Tuyet Mai. my supervisor who gives me clear guidelines and contributing her advises to my dissertation.1 am also grateful to Prof. Dr. Somkod ManMINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGLAOS NATIONAL UNIVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMSEN SISAVONGA STUDY ON THE IMPACT OFFO A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d rnd Public Administration, member of Central Committee Party, Prof. Dr. Thongsalith Mangnormek. Head of National Economic Research, Prof. Dr. Bounpong Keonoradome. President of Savannakhet University who encouraged and supported me to reach my goal of PhD.My special thanks go to my family, Sengsavanh A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r College’s staff and my friends. They are always pleased to encourage and to assist me during my PhD research.Without your supports I could not comple
A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r
te and realize my dream.iiiCONTENTSDECLARATION...................................................iACKNOWLEDGMENTS.....................................MINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGLAOS NATIONAL UNIVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMSEN SISAVONGA STUDY ON THE IMPACT OFFO A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d rS.............................................viiiCHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.........................................11.1Research Background.......................................I1.2Rationale for the Research................................31.3Research Objectives and Research Questions................ A study on the impact of foreign direct investment on economic development of lao p d r41.4Scope of the Study........................................61.5Contributions of the Study................................6MINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGLAOS NATIONAL UNIVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMSEN SISAVONGA STUDY ON THE IMPACT OFFOMINISTRY OF EDUCATIONMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGLAOS NATIONAL UNIVERSITYNATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITYKHAMSEN SISAVONGA STUDY ON THE IMPACT OFFO