Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

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Nội dung chi tiết: Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlmanean in search of a new land—a mysterious land hidden by an unexplored and uncharted ocean. Many people considered this journey a waste of time and res

ources. After all, modern civilization had flourished for centuries without this kind of exploration.Against all odds this handful of explorers ventur Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

ed forward, their burning desire for discovery propelling them into the unknown. They abandoned the comforts of home to embark on a journey beyond the

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

known horizons. Facing both their own and society’s fears and doubts, they continued their course, finally achieving their goal of discovery.Today we

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlmanyond the limits of their physical horizons. As in the past, the explorer's vision must extend past the physical shoreline. As in the past, the explore

r must possess the internal drive and determination to travel beyond the known limits of society and science. He or she must travel alone, far from th Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

e masses who cling to the firm security of land.As in the past, explorers are driven by one thing—the need to discover for themselves, because accepti

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

ng anything less than firsthand knowledge is settling for the beliefs and assumptions of the landlocked.Today each of us has an opportunity to go beyo

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlmanexperience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science. Whoever does not know

it and can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmedAlbert Einstein wrote these words many years ago, and they Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

are forever etched in my mind. Twenty years ago I firmly believed that the physical world we see and experience was the only reality. I believed what

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

my eyes told me—life possessed no hidden mysteries, only countless forms of matter living and dying. The facts were clear; there was no evidence or pr

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlmanncepts of heaven, God, and immortality. In my mind these were fairy tales created to comfort the weak and manipulate the masses. For me, life was simp

le to understand: the world consistedof solid matter and form, and the concepts of life after death and heaven were feeble human attempts to create ho Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

pe where none existed.I possessed the arrogant knowledge of a man who judges the world with his physical senses alone. I supported my conclusions with

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

the overwhelming observations provided by science and technology. After all, if something mysterious was there, science would certainly be aware of i

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlmanies of life after death and the existence of heaven. I proceeded to present my agnostic viewpoints with vigor. To my surprise my neighbor didn't conte

st my conclusions; instead, he related an experience that he had had several weeks before. One evening just after drifting to sleep, he was shocked to Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

discover himself floating above his body. Completely awake and aware, he became frightened and instantly fell back into his physical body. Excited, h

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

e told me it wasn't a dream or his imagination, but a fully conscious experience.Intrigued by his experience, I decided to investigate this strange ph

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlmang I found a book on the topic that actually described how out-of-body experiences are induced. The entire subject seemed extremely weird, and I consid

ered the book the result of an overly active imagination.Out of curiosity, I decided to try one of the out-of-body techniques before sleep. After repe Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

ated daily attempts, I began to feel a little ridiculous. In three weeks the only thing I experienced out of the norm was an increase in my dream reca

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

ll. I became more and more convinced that this entire subject was nothing more than an intense or vivid dream stimulated by the so-called our-of-body

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman table with several people. They all seemed to be asking me questions related to my self-development and state of consciousness. At that moment in the

dream I began to feel extremely dizzy, and a strange numbness, like from Novocain, began to spread throughout my body. Unable to keep my head up, I p Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

assed out, hitting my head on the table. Instantly I was awake, fully conscious, lying in bed facing the wall. I could hear an unusual buzzing sound a

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

nd felt somehow different. Extending my arm, I reached for the wall in front of me. I stared in amazement as my hand actually entered the wall; I coul

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlmanin my body. Excited, my only thought was, It's real. My God, it’s real! Lying in bed, I stared at my hand in disbelief. When I tried clenching my fist

, I could feel the pressure of my grip; my hand felt completely solid, but the physical wall in front of me looked and felt like a dense, vaporous mat Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

erial with form. Determined to stand, I began to move effortlessly to the foot of my bed, my mind racing with the reality of it all. standing, I quick

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

ly touched my arms and legs, checking to see if I was solid, and to my surprise I was completely solid, completely real. But around me, the familiar p

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlmanced a large lump in my bed. Amazed, I could see that it was the sleeping form of my physical body silently facing the wall.As I focused my vision on t

he opposite side of the room, the wall seemed to fade slowly from view. In front of me I could see a wide, green field extending far beyond my room. L Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

ooking around, I noticed a figure silently watching me from about ten yards away. It was a tallman with dark hair, a beard, and a purple robe, startle

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

d by his presence, I became frightened and instantly “snapped back" into my physical body. With a jolt I was in my body, and a strange feeling of numb

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlmantely real, not a dream or my imagination. My entire ego awareness had been present. Suddenly, everything I had ever learned about my existence and the

world around me had to be reappraised. I had always seriously doubted that anything beyond the physical world existed. Now my entire viewpoint change Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

d. Now I absolutely knew that other worlds do exist and that people like myself must live there. Most important, I now knew that my physical body was

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

just a temporary vehicle for the real me inside, and that with practice I could separate from it at will.Excited about my discovery, I grabbed a pen a

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlmannomenon? Why aren’t the various sciences and religions investigating it? Is it possible that this unseen world is the “heaven” referred to in religiou

s texts? Why isn’t our government exploring this apparent parallel energy world? Is it possible that our overwhelming dependence on physical perceptio Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

ns has led US to overlook an incredible avenue of exploration and discovery?As the initial shock of my first experience sank in, I realized that my li

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

fe could never be the same again. The more I pondered the significance of my experience, the more profound I realized it to be. All my agnostic belief

Adventures Beyond the BodyHOW TO EXPERIENCE OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL William BuhlmanPrefaceFive hundred years ago, a few courageous explorers crossed an oce

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlmanto be true. My comfortable conclusions about science, psychology, religion, and my existence had obviously been based on incomplete information. I fel

t excited, but also uneasy—my familiar concepts of reality no longer seemed relevant. Increasingly, I felt in a void. On several occasions when I talk Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

ed to friends about my experience, they found it too bizarre to take seriously. In 1972 the term out-of body experience had not even been coined; back

Adventures beyond the body ast william buhlman

then, the most common description was astral projection. No one that I knew at the time hadeven heard of astral projection, and if you told people yo