Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

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Nội dung chi tiết: Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

THE UNIVERSITY'’/ADELAIDEAntecedents of Service Climate: Local vs. ForeignService Firms in an Emerging Market ContextA thesis submitted in fulfilment

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context of the requirements for the degree ofDoctor of Philosophy in BusinessHung Trong HoangB. BA (Hue University), M. Management (Monash University)The Uni

versity of Adelaide Business SchoolAdelaide. Australia2014AbstractService climate has attracted attention from both academics and practitioners in rec Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

ent years. However, there exist two major research gaps in this literature domain. First, senice climate research to date has predominantly focused on

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

Its outcomes, with few studies investigating its antecedents. These few studies have primarily relied on a resource-based approach and have focused o

THE UNIVERSITY'’/ADELAIDEAntecedents of Service Climate: Local vs. ForeignService Firms in an Emerging Market ContextA thesis submitted in fulfilment

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market contextrvice climate 111 emerging markets where much of the economic growth IS currently occurring. Therefore, this study seeks to gain a more comprehensive

understanding of (1) the antecedents of service climate and (2) the extent to which service firms. both local and foreign-owned, create a favourable s Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

ervice climate in an emerging market. The broad research problem investigated 111 this study is: How do service firms, local and foreig)i-owned, creat

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

e a favourable service climate in an emerging market context? To examine the broad research problem, this study draws upon the resource-based view, so

THE UNIVERSITY'’/ADELAIDEAntecedents of Service Climate: Local vs. ForeignService Firms in an Emerging Market ContextA thesis submitted in fulfilment

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market contextce climate in an emerging market context? How do the antecedents interact and influence service climate?Research question 2: How do service climate an

d its antecedents differ between local and foreign service firms in an emerging market context? How do the antecedents influence service climate diffe Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

rently across the ownership types?To address these research questions, this study was conducted in two phases: exploratory .and explanatory. The explo

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

ratory phase yielded new insights into the antecedents of service climate of local and foreign service funis in an emerging market context. It also he

THE UNIVERSITY'’/ADELAIDEAntecedents of Service Climate: Local vs. ForeignService Firms in an Emerging Market ContextA thesis submitted in fulfilment

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market contextal framework was developed and hypotheses weie derived. Tire conceptual framework and hypotheses were then tested 111 the second phase of the study us

ing Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Survey data from a total of 549 usable responses from service employees in both local and foreign service fil Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

ms 111 Vietnam allowed the researcher to test the proposed hypotheses.Findings for the first research question suggested that tluee groups of antecede

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

nts contribute to creating a favourable service climate 111 an emerging market context: firm-based. market-based and culture-based In terms of firm-ba

THE UNIVERSITY'’/ADELAIDEAntecedents of Service Climate: Local vs. ForeignService Firms in an Emerging Market ContextA thesis submitted in fulfilment

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market contextl customer service. (3) internal processes and service standards. (4) senice-oriented human resource management (HRM) and (5) work facilitation resour

ces. In addition, there are significant inter-relationships among these firm-based antecedents in fostering a service climate. The data analysis also Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

demonstrated that competitive intensity 111 emerging markets and employees’ cultural orientation moderate the impacts of the firm-based antecedents on

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

service climateFindings for the second research question showed that there are significant differences 111 the antecedents and service climate betwee

THE UNIVERSITY'’/ADELAIDEAntecedents of Service Climate: Local vs. ForeignService Firms in an Emerging Market ContextA thesis submitted in fulfilment

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market contexte influence of leadership commitment to service quality and sen ice-oriented HRM on service climate was found to be greater in foreign firms than that

in local films, hl contrast, (lie influence of internal customer service OU service climate in local firms was greater than that in foreign firms.Ill Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

is study contributes in several ways to our knowledge concerning service climate. First, it proposes and tests an integrated model of the antecedents

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

of service climate in an emerging market context, winch have not been fully examined ill prior literature. Second, the study contributes to knowledge

THE UNIVERSITY'’/ADELAIDEAntecedents of Service Climate: Local vs. ForeignService Firms in an Emerging Market ContextA thesis submitted in fulfilment

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market contexttends the literature on the antecedents of service climate from a cultural perspective by investigating the impact of employees’ cultural orientation

on their perception of service climate Fourth, this study eraiches international services research by investigating the factors associated with servic Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

e climate in internationalised service films (versus those of domestic ones) from an Asian emerging market perspective. Finally, this study has practi

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

cal implications because it provides a framework that enables managers of service firms to take action and invest resources to improve their service c

THE UNIVERSITY'’/ADELAIDEAntecedents of Service Climate: Local vs. ForeignService Firms in an Emerging Market ContextA thesis submitted in fulfilment

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context.....................iStatement of declaration..................................................xiiiPublications......................................

.........................xivAcknowledgements............................................................XVCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..................... Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

.................................11.1.Research background...................................................11.2.Broad research problem and research q

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context

uestions.........................51.3.Objectives of the research............................................61.4.Research methodology.................

THE UNIVERSITY'’/ADELAIDEAntecedents of Service Climate: Local vs. ForeignService Firms in an Emerging Market ContextA thesis submitted in fulfilment

Antecedents of service climate local vs foreign service firms in an emerging market context.............................9

THE UNIVERSITY'’/ADELAIDEAntecedents of Service Climate: Local vs. ForeignService Firms in an Emerging Market ContextA thesis submitted in fulfilment