Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

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Nội dung chi tiết: Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

TABLE OF CONTENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDuring the internship period. I have received a lot of help, support and encouragement from others in order to complet

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anhte this report. First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Assoc. Prof. Ph.D Nguyen Thi Thu Lien, who is an expert in accountancy fiel

d. She directed me so carefully and kindly. I have learned precious things from her. In addition, I want to say thank to my family for always supporti Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

ng and motivating me not only in life but also in studying and working. Thanks to them, I have a great opportunity to study in National Economics Univ

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

ersity and accessing this internship.I also would like to express my gratefulness to the Advanced Educational Program. The faculty gave me a good chan

TABLE OF CONTENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDuring the internship period. I have received a lot of help, support and encouragement from others in order to complet

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh during the internship period. Finally, I would like to express my sincere thank to Fancy Creation Vietnam Co..Ltd for giving me an opportunity to wor

k in practical and professional environment. I believe that the knowledge and experiences I have received from the company will be very useful for me Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

in my future career.Supervisor: Assoc. Prof, Ph.D Nguyen Thi Thu LienDo Thu Huyen - Class: Advanced Accounting Intake 53ABSTRACTThe Vietnamese economy

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

is more and more developing, the number of companies increases significantly; then, the competition between enterprises becomes more fierce. Therefor

TABLE OF CONTENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDuring the internship period. I have received a lot of help, support and encouragement from others in order to complet

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anhdepartment and qualified accountants that have sufficient capacity to collect and deal with problems related to financial activities as well as the op

eration of the business.In production and business activities, all physical products are made from raw materials. This is an indispensable element in Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

the production process. Therefore, accounting of raw materials plays an important role in any manufacturing company. It enhances the management, stora

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

ge, timely supply of raw materials and improves the efficiency of using raw materials. Aware of this, after researching about the company, I decide to

TABLE OF CONTENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDuring the internship period. I have received a lot of help, support and encouragement from others in order to complet

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anhship, the report was divided into four main chapters so that the readers can have overall knowledge about the accounting of raw materials at Fancy Cre

ation Vietnam Co., Ltd. The first chapter will introduce about the rationale of the research, research objective and methodology, and the scope of the Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

research. The second chapter gives theoretical framework including definition, characteristics, classification, process of managing raw materials and

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

related documentation and vouchers. The third chapter will focus on the real accounting situation of raw materials at Fancy Creation Vietnam Co., Ltd

TABLE OF CONTENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDuring the internship period. I have received a lot of help, support and encouragement from others in order to complet

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh recommendations in order to improve the effectiveness of accounting of raw materials at Fancy Creation Vietnam Co., Ltd.Supervisor: Assoc. Prof, Ph.D

Nguyen Thi Thu LienDo Thu Huyen - Class: Advanced Accounting Intake 53ABBREVIATIONCo., Ltd: Limited companySupervisor: Assoc. Prof, Ph.D Nguyen Thi T Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

hu LienDo Thu Huven - Class: Advanced Accounting Intake 53LIST OF TABLESSupervisor: Assoc. Prof, Ph.D Nguyen Thi Thu LienDo Thu ỉỉuyen - doss: Advance

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

d Accounting Intake 53LIST OF FIGURESSupervisor: Assoc. Prof, Ph.D Nguyen Thi Thu LienDo Thu Huyen - Class: Advanced Accounting Intake 53CHAPTER 1INTR

TABLE OF CONTENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDuring the internship period. I have received a lot of help, support and encouragement from others in order to complet

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anhs that decide directly to the quality of the products because its characteristic is once-used and their total value were transferred into the finished

products. Materials including main raw materials and auxiliary create significant influence to the production processes. In terms of material factors Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

, raw materials constitutes the products entity; in terms of value, raw materials account for a large proportion of the price structure; in terms of c

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

apital, the amount of money- used to buy raw materials accounts for high percentage of the total working capital of the business; in terms of administ

TABLE OF CONTENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDuring the internship period. I have received a lot of help, support and encouragement from others in order to complet

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anhpanies want to operate their businesses continuously and regularly have to ensure the supply of raw materials in sufficient quantity, appropriate lime

, sizes and qualities. That is the function of the accounting of raw materials.Accounting of raw materials in business plays a crucial role .It record Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

s the entire situation of raw materials in the processes of purchasing, warehousing and using raw materials. A well-performed of accounting of raw mat

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

erials will reflects exactly the proportion of cost of raw materials in the total cost of finished products as well as the usage and storage of raw ma

TABLE OF CONTENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDuring the internship period. I have received a lot of help, support and encouragement from others in order to complet

Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anhe position, role and importance of raw materials as well as accounting of raw materials, during the internship period at Fancy Creation Vietnam Co., L

td, I have investigated and chose the topic "Completing the accounting of raw materials at Fancy Creation Vietnam Co., Ltd” for this research.Supervis Completing the accounting of raw materials at fancy creation vietnam co ltd tiếng anh

or: Assoc. Prof, Ph.D Nguyen Thi Thu LienDo Thu Huyen - Class: Advanced Accounting Intake 53

TABLE OF CONTENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDuring the internship period. I have received a lot of help, support and encouragement from others in order to complet

TABLE OF CONTENTACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDuring the internship period. I have received a lot of help, support and encouragement from others in order to complet