New media and borderless education a rev

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Nội dung chi tiết: New media and borderless education a rev

New media and borderless education a rev

Department of Employment. Education. Training and Youth AffairsNew Media and Borderless Education: A Review of the Convergence between Global Media Ne

New media and borderless education a revetworks and Higher Education ProvisionStuart Cunningham Snellen Tapsail Yoni Ryan Lawrence Stedman Kerry Bagdon Terry Flew3579697/22Evaluations and In

vestigations Program Higher Education DivisionV Commonwealth of Australia 1997ISBN 0 642 23718 2This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitte New media and borderless education a rev

d under the Copyrighỉ Acr ì 968. no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Australian Government Publishing S

New media and borderless education a rev

enice. Requestsand inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the manager. Commonwealth Information Services. Australian Gove

Department of Employment. Education. Training and Youth AffairsNew Media and Borderless Education: A Review of the Convergence between Global Media Ne

New media and borderless education a revmployment. Education. Training and Youth Affairs.The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Employme

nt. Education. Training and Youth Affairs.iiiContentsAcknowledgmentsviiAbbreviationsixExecutive Summary*xiiiRecommendationsxvii1.Contexts and Concepts New media and borderless education a rev

1The Brief1Methodology2Introduction4Globalisation7Internationalisation of Business10International Media: The Limits of Globalisation11Media and Commun

New media and borderless education a rev

ication and Information Technology Convergence13Communication and Information Technologies, Media and Higher Education 18 Public Sector Reform and Hig

Department of Employment. Education. Training and Youth AffairsNew Media and Borderless Education: A Review of the Convergence between Global Media Ne

New media and borderless education a rev32.Borderless Education: The State of Play37Introduction37Sectoral Interests: An Environmental Scan41Global41International49

Department of Employment. Education. Training and Youth AffairsNew Media and Borderless Education: A Review of the Convergence between Global Media Ne