Nội dung chi tiết: Customer satisfaction on savings service at maritime bank long bien branch
Customer satisfaction on savings service at maritime bank long bien branch
NA1IONAL ECONOMICS I N1VERS1TYNEU BUSINESS SC HOOL----ÍOŨŨGR----NGUYEN Di e AN11CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON SAVINGS SERVICEAT MARITIME BANK - LONG BIEN B Customer satisfaction on savings service at maritime bank long bien branchBRANCHMASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONTHESISSupervisor: Dr. TRAN VAN HUNGHANOI-2019ACKNOWLEDGEMENTFirst of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor. Professor Tran Van Hung, for his supervision, valuable suggestions and advices throughout my thesis.I am also very thankful Customer satisfaction on savings service at maritime bank long bien branchto my family: Mum. Dad and little sister for always supporting and trusting me all over my study.I am grateful to friends who have supported me and he
Customer satisfaction on savings service at maritime bank long bien branch
lped me a lot.Thank you all very much.2TABLE OF C ONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................................2TABLE OF CONTENTS............NA1IONAL ECONOMICS I N1VERS1TYNEU BUSINESS SC HOOL----ÍOŨŨGR----NGUYEN Di e AN11CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON SAVINGS SERVICEAT MARITIME BANK - LONG BIEN B Customer satisfaction on savings service at maritime bank long bien branch............6CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................81.1.Rationale.................................................81.2.Research objectives......................................101.3.Research questions.......................................101.4.Theoretical framework......... Customer satisfaction on savings service at maritime bank long bien branch...........................101.5.Research scope...........................................111.6.Research methodology..................................
Customer satisfaction on savings service at maritime bank long bien branch
...121.7.Research structure.......................................16CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ON CUSTOMERSATISFACTION.........................NA1IONAL ECONOMICS I N1VERS1TYNEU BUSINESS SC HOOL----ÍOŨŨGR----NGUYEN Di e AN11CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON SAVINGS SERVICEAT MARITIME BANK - LONG BIEN B Customer satisfaction on savings service at maritime bank long bien branch.202.3.Saving senice and customer satisfaction on saving senice.222.4 Proposed model to measure customer satisfaction on savings sen ice.25CHAPTER 3: CURRENT SITUATION OF MARITIME BANK - LONG Customer satisfaction on savings service at maritime bank long bien branchNA1IONAL ECONOMICS I N1VERS1TYNEU BUSINESS SC HOOL----ÍOŨŨGR----NGUYEN Di e AN11CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON SAVINGS SERVICEAT MARITIME BANK - LONG BIEN B