Efficient representation and effective r

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Nội dung chi tiết: Efficient representation and effective r

Efficient representation and effective r

Efficient Representation andEffective Reasoning forMulti-Agent SystemsByDay Hoang PhainThe University Of QueenslandA THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE O

Efficient representation and effective rOF Doctor of PhilosophyAT The University of Queenslandin April 2010School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering(c) Duy Hoang Pham. 2010

.Typeset in DTgX 2f.Declaration and statementsDeclare by authorThis thesis is composed of my original work, and contains no material previously publis Efficient representation and effective r

hed or written by another person except where due reference has been made in the text. I have clearly staled the contribution by others to jointly-aut

Efficient representation and effective r

hored works that I have included in my thesis.I have clearly staled the contribution of others to my thesis as a whole, including statistical assistan

Efficient Representation andEffective Reasoning forMulti-Agent SystemsByDay Hoang PhainThe University Of QueenslandA THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE O

Efficient representation and effective red in my thesis. The content of my thesis is the result of work 1 have carried out since the commencement of my research higher degree candidature and

does not include a substantial pail of work that has been submitted to qualify for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university or othe Efficient representation and effective r

r tertiary institution. 1 have clearly Slated which pans of my thesis, if any. have been submitted to qualify for another award.I acknowledge that an

Efficient representation and effective r

electronic copy of my thesis must be lodged with the University Library and. subject to the General Award Rules of The University of Queensland, immed

Efficient Representation andEffective Reasoning forMulti-Agent SystemsByDay Hoang PhainThe University Of QueenslandA THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE O

Efficient representation and effective resis resides with the copyright holder(s) of that material.iiiivDeclaration and statementsStatement of contributions to jointly authored works contain

ed in the thesisDie thesis contains the rollowing joint works:1.Govcrnatori and Pham (2005a.b). I was only responsible for implementing the reasoning Efficient representation and effective r

mechanism and its interlaces with RDF and XML.2.(iovernalori el al. (2008). I was only responsible for implementing the reasoning mechanism and design

Efficient representation and effective r

ing the markup language for the modal defeasible logic.3.Pham et al. (2008a.b.c). I was responsible for defining the problems and developing lhe solut

Efficient Representation andEffective Reasoning forMulti-Agent SystemsByDay Hoang PhainThe University Of QueenslandA THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE O

Efficient representation and effective ratement of contributions by others to the thesis as a wholeNo contributions by others.Statement of parts of the thesis submitted to qualify for the aw

ard of another degreeNone.Published works by the author incorporated into the thesis•(Pham. 2008: Pham et al.. 2008a) - Incorporated in Chapter 5.•(Go Efficient representation and effective r

vcrnatori and Pham. 2OO5a.b: Governatori et al.. 2008) - Partially incorporated as the section of the implementation of reasoning mechanisms and the d

Efficient representation and effective r

esigns of the markup languages for defeasible logics in Chapter 5.• (Pham et al.. 2008b.c) - Incorporated in Chapter 6.

Efficient Representation andEffective Reasoning forMulti-Agent SystemsByDay Hoang PhainThe University Of QueenslandA THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE O

Efficient Representation andEffective Reasoning forMulti-Agent SystemsByDay Hoang PhainThe University Of QueenslandA THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE O