Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

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Nội dung chi tiết: Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowlingrs that were usually gleaming stood dusty in their drives and lawns that were once emerald green lay parched and yellowing for the use of hosepipes ha

d been banned due to drought. Deprived of their usual carwashing and lawn-mowing pursuits, the inhabitants of Privet Drive had retreated into the shad Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

e of their cool houses, windows thrown wide in the hope of tempting in a nonexistent breeze. The only person left outdoors was a teenage boy who was l

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

ying flat on his back in a flowerbed outside number four.He was a skinny, black-haired, bespectacled boy who had the pinched, slightly unhealthy look

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowlinge peeling away from the uppers. Harry Potter's appearance did not endear him to the neighbours, who were the sort of people who thought scruffi-ness o

ught to be punishable by law, but as he had hidden himself behind a large hydrangea bush this evening he was quite invisible to passers-by. In fact, t Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

he only way he would be spotted was if his Uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia stuck their heads out of the living-room window and looked straight down into

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

the flowerbed below.On the whole, Harry thought he was to be congratulated on his idea of hiding here. He was not, perhaps, very comfortable lying on

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowlingty questions at him, as had happened every time he had tried sitting down in the living room to watch television with his aunt and uncle.Almost as tho

ugh this thought had fluttered through the open window, Vernon Dursley, Harry's uncle, suddenly spoke.'Glad to see the boy's stopped trying to butt in Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

. Where is he, anyway?’'I don't know,' said Aunt Petunia, unconcerned. 'Not in the house.' Uncle Vernon grunted.death and destruction were more import

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

ant than stranded holidaymakers.He let out a long, slow breath and stared up at the brilliant blue sky. Every day this summer had been the same: the t

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling nothing had happened yet.He kept listening, just in case there was some small clue, not recognised for what it really was by the Muggles - an unexpla

ined disappearance, perhaps, or some strange accident... but the baggage-handlers' strike was followed by news about the drought in the Southeast ('I Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

hope he's listening next door!' bellowed Uncle Vernon. 'Him with his sprinklers on at three in the morning!’), then a helicopter that had almost crash

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

ed in a field in Surrey, then a famous actress's divorce from her famous husband ('As if we’re interested in their sordid affairs,' sniffed Aunt Petun

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowlingy as the newsreader said, ' and finally. Bungy the budgie has found a novel way of keeping cool this summer. Bungy who lives at the Five Feathers in B

arnsley has learned to water ski! Mary Dorkins went to find out more.'Harry opened his eyes. If they had reached water-skiing budgerigars, there would Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

be nothing else worth hearing. He rolled cautiously on to his front and raised himself on to his knees and elbows, preparing to crawl out from under

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

the window.He had moved about two inches when several things happened in very quick succession.A loud, echoing crack broke the sleepy silence like a g

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowlingleys' living room, and as though this was the signal Harry had been waiting for he jumped to his feet, at the same time pulling from the waistband of

his jeans a thin wooden wand as if he were unsheathing a sword - but before he could draw himself up to full height, the top of his head collided with Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

the Dursleys' open window. The resultant crash made Aunt Petunia scream even louder.Harry felt as though his head had been split in two. Eyes streami

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

ng, he swayed, trying to focus on the street to spot the source of the noise, but he had barely staggered upright when two large purple hands reached

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling'Get - off - me!' Harry gasped. For a few seconds they struggled, Harry pulling at his uncles sausage-like fingers with his left hand, his right maint

aining a firm grip on his raised wand; then, as the pain in the top of Harry's head gave a particularly nasty throb, Uncle Vernon yelped and released Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

Harry as though he had received an electric shock. Some invisible force seemed to have surged through his nephew, making him impossible to hold.Pantin

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

g, Harry fell forwards over the hydrangea bush, straightened up and stared around. There was no sign of what had caused the loud cracking noise, but t

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowlingevening!' shouted Uncle Vernon, waving at Mrs Number Seven opposite, who was glaring from behind her net curtains. 'Did you hear that car backfire jus

t now? Gave Petunia and me quite a turn!’He continued to grin in a horrible, manic way until all the curious neighbours had disappeared from their var Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

ious windows, then the grin became a grimace of rage as he beckoned Harry back towards him.Harry moved a few steps closer, taking care to stop just sh

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

ort of the point at which Uncle Vernon's outstretched hands could resume their strangling.'What the devil do you mean by it, boy?' asked Uncle Vernon

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowlingee the person who had made the cracking noise.'Making a racket like a starting pistol right outside our -'I didn't make that noise,' said Harry firmly

.Aunt Petunia's thin, horsy face now appeared beside Uncle Vernon's wide, purple one. She looked livid.'Why were you lurking under our window?''Yes - Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

yes, good point, Petunia! What were you doing under our window, boy?''Listening to the news,' said Harry in a resigned voice.His aunt and uncle exchan

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

ged looks of outrage.'Listening to the news! Again?''Well, it changes every day, you see,' said Harry.'Don't you be clever with me, boy! I want to kno

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car

Harry potter and the order of t j k rowlingeathed Aunt Petunia, and Uncle Vernon lowered his voice so that Harry could barely hear him,’- that your lot don't get on our news!''That's all you kn

ow,' said Harry.The Dursleys goggled at him for a few seconds, then Aunt Petunia said, 'You're a nasty little liar. What are all those -' she, too, lo Harry potter and the order of t j k rowling

wered her voice so that Harry had to lip-read the next word, - owls doing if they're not bringing you news?'

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car

Dudley DementedThe hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. Car