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How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdf
Swarthmore CollegeWorksLinguistics Faculty WorksLinguistics2013How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?R. Sutton-SpenceDonna Jo Napol How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.PdfliSwarthmore College, dnapoli! (3swarthmore.eduFollow this and additional works at: https://works.swarthmore.edu/fac linguisticsỜ Part of the Linguistics CommonsLet us know how access to these works benefits youRecommended CitationR. Sutton-Spence and Donna Jo Napoli. (2013). "How Much Can Classifie How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfrs Be Analogous To Their Referents?'. Gesture. Volume 13, Issue 1.1-27. DOI: 10.1075/gest.13.1.01sut https://works.swarthmore.edu/fac-linguistics/41Th
How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdf
is work is brought to you for free by Swarthmore College Libraries Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Linguistics Faculty Works by an authorSwarthmore CollegeWorksLinguistics Faculty WorksLinguistics2013How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?R. Sutton-SpenceDonna Jo Napol How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfsentation of strong visual images. Here, we explore the highly visual signs that British Sign Language and American Sign Language poets create as part of the ‘classifier system' of their languages. Signed languages, as they create visually-motivated messages, utilise categoricity (more traditionally How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdf considered ‘language’) and analogy (more traditionally considered extra-linguistic and the domain of‘gesture ). Classifiers in sign languages arguabl
How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdf
y show both these characteristics (Oviedo 2004). In our discussion of sign language poetry, we see that poets take elements that are widely understoodSwarthmore CollegeWorksLinguistics Faculty WorksLinguistics2013How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?R. Sutton-SpenceDonna Jo Napol How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfof analogue.Keywords: poetry, sign languages, metaphor, gesture, analogy, classifiersRachel Sutton-Spence IS Reader 111 Deaf Studies at the Graduate School of Education at the University of Bristol. She has been engaged in sign language research since 1989 and has published on linguistic and socioli How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfnguistic aspects of Biitish Sign Language, coauthoring The linguistics of British Sign Language with Bencie Woll. Her cunent research interests are in
How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdf
signed folklore and creative signing, including signed humour, poetry and narratives. and the relationship between artistic sign and artistic mime. TSwarthmore CollegeWorksLinguistics Faculty WorksLinguistics2013How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?R. Sutton-SpenceDonna Jo Napol How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfnguistics at Swarthmore College. Her recent publications have focused on d Deaf matters, including the structure of Ameiican Sign2Language (often ill comparison to other sign languages), creative aspects of signing (jokes, poetry, storytelling, taboo constructions), and language lights for deaf chil How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfdren. She writes fiction for children and young adults (http: www.donnajonapoh.com). and has co-authored a storybook to help deaf children who use ASL
How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdf
learn to read English: Handy stones to read and sign. The work reported on here was conducted during her tune as Long Room Hub Fellow at Trinity CollSwarthmore CollegeWorksLinguistics Faculty WorksLinguistics2013How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?R. Sutton-SpenceDonna Jo Napol How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfssible to a deaf audience. Much of this visual experience IS achieved through visual analogy using the human body Often, if the signing poets can strengthen a visual image of a concrete referent by creating iconic analogues, they will. If they can use metaphor to make even abstract referents visual, How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdf they will. We use the work of several leading sign language poets to consider the analogies deaf poets use to create such strongly visual signs and t
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he hunts of creatively visual signing seen 111 classifiers in sign language poetry.Within sign languages, certain handshapes “are embedded in predicatSwarthmore CollegeWorksLinguistics Faculty WorksLinguistics2013How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?R. Sutton-SpenceDonna Jo Napol How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdflly accepted that these various physical criteria motivate the handshape because there IS some similarity (though often highly approximate) between the shape of the referent and the shape of the hand representing It. For example, round referents are represented by curved fingers or a closed fist, lo How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfng and thin referents are represented by individual straight fingers, and referents having two legs are represented by two fingers or both aims. Altho
How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdf
ugh there is considerable debate about how to label these handshapes, and exactly what then linguistic status and function is. they are widely called Swarthmore CollegeWorksLinguistics Faculty WorksLinguistics2013How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?R. Sutton-SpenceDonna Jo Napol How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdf is motivated by the class of objects to which the referent is allocated.Despite the clear iconic motivation for these classifier handshapes, the referent of the handshape is an object typically unlike a hand, such as a car or book or cat. Thus.4although there IS some perceptual resemblance between How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfthe referent and handshape, there cannot be a one-to-one correspondence between the referent and all its various physical aspects and the handshape an
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d all its various physical aspects. Even less can there be an isomorphism between the various paits of the referent and the functions they can performSwarthmore CollegeWorksLinguistics Faculty WorksLinguistics2013How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?R. Sutton-SpenceDonna Jo Napol How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfison between handshape and meaning.All mappings from referents to these classifiers rely on comparisons, and thus could be termed metaphorical to a certain extent as different aspects of the hand are mapped to different aspects of the referent. Within cognitive linguistics, however, the term 'metaph How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfor- has come to refer more narrowly to cross-domain mappings. Iconicity is a mapping between the two different domains of meaning (the source) and for
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m (for example the sign's handshape or its movement); metaphor IS a mapping between two conceptual domains (a source domain that is usually more concrSwarthmore CollegeWorksLinguistics Faculty WorksLinguistics2013How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?R. Sutton-SpenceDonna Jo Napol How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdfe) (Meh 2010. p 869). Iconicity and metaphor become closely entwined in many signs, which frequently involve both iconic and metaphoric mappings (see e.g. Taub 2001 and Meir 2010). Additionally, in many metaphors the conceptual mapping relies upon ideas of perceptual 1 esemblance, as analogies are f How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents-.Pdformed between two sets of elements based on then perceived shared characteristics (Rollins 2001). Some of those shared characteristics can be specifie
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d independently of physical aspects, and concern similarities of behavioui. including responses to stimuli. Indeed, the mappings involving classifiersSwarthmore CollegeWorksLinguistics Faculty WorksLinguistics2013How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?R. Sutton-SpenceDonna Jo NapolSwarthmore CollegeWorksLinguistics Faculty WorksLinguistics2013How Much Can Classifiers Be Analogous To Their Referents?R. Sutton-SpenceDonna Jo Napol