Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves

Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves

RMITUNIVERSITYAn investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in Australian wharves.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharvesrements for the degree of Master of Civil EngineeringPeter NichollsB.Eng, B.Biomed SciSchool of Civil Environmental and Chemical EngineeringCollege of

Science Engineering and HealthRMIT University42736I RM ITUNIVERSITYDeclarationI,Peter Nicholls, certify that except where due acknowledgement has bee Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves

n made, the work is that of the author alone; the work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any other academic award

Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves

; the content of the thesis is the result of work which has been carried out since the official commencement date of the approved research program; an

RMITUNIVERSITYAn investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in Australian wharves.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharvess4,h of March 2017ii1RMITUNIVERSITYAcknowledgementFirstly I would like to thank Dr. David Law for his guidance and insight throughout my candidature.

David’s support both technically and logistically was critical to my completion. I would also like to thank Associate-Professor Tom Molyneux and Dr Li Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves

am Ward for their help and advice.To the two principal asset owners, the Port of Melbourne Corporation and the Port of Portland, who allowed RMIT acce

Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves

ss to their wharves for this study I would like to, extend my most genuine thanks. Without this access to these sites this study would not have been p

RMITUNIVERSITYAn investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in Australian wharves.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharveset more information was taxing at times however their generosity and patience was ceaseless.I would like to extend a special thanks to Graham and Marc

us Eldridge of Eldridge Electrical for their assistance and time. Time and time again their generosity made overwhelming tasks simple.As this was a pa Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves

rt time program, I would not have been able to complete this work without the ongoing support of my managers and supervisor at work, to whom I would l

Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves

ike to extend my thanks and express my gratitude. To Frederic Blin of AECOM for providing me with this opportunity, and supporting me during the early

RMITUNIVERSITYAn investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in Australian wharves.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharvesthe support and friendship of my fellow students. Thank you to Shamir Bhuiyan for your help and guidance and to Amy spark Eichenbaum for now helping m

e through both undergraduate and post graduate study.Finally I would like to thank my family and friends for their support and understanding during my Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves

candidature. In particular I would like to thank my partner for her patience.iii)RMTTUNIVERSITYContentsDeclaration...................................

Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves

........................................iiAcknowledgement.......................................................................HiNotation and Abbrevi

RMITUNIVERSITYAn investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in Australian wharves.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir

Masters thesis of civil engineering an investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in australian wharves.....1Overview of Chapters...................................................................2

RMITUNIVERSITYAn investigation into impressed current cathodic protection systems in Australian wharves.A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requir