Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

• RMITUNIVERSITYA Molecular Simulation Study of Thermal and pH effects on apo-Lactoferrin Stability: Implications for Potential Encapsulation Function

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacterian of Gram-positive BacteriaA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of ScienceCarol NhaiiB. Sei (App. Sei) (Hons)

RM IT UniversitySchool of ScienceCollege of Science. Engineering and Health RM IT University43191Declaration1 certify that except where due acknowled Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

gement has been made, the work is that of the author alone; the work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any other

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

academic award: the content of the thesis is the result of work which has been carried out since the official commencement dale of the approved resear

• RMITUNIVERSITYA Molecular Simulation Study of Thermal and pH effects on apo-Lactoferrin Stability: Implications for Potential Encapsulation Function

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria.1 acknowledge the support 1 have received for my research through the provision of an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship.Car

ol Nhan432143AcknowledgmentsAs I begin to finish up my Masters by Research journey rd like to firstly show acknowledgement and appreciation to my two Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

supervisors. Dr Bee May and Dr Andrew Hung for their invaluable and kind advice, support, guidance and encouragement throughout my research years as I

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

completed my honours’ and now Master's thesis, without them, these two theses would not be possible.This project was completed al RM1T University. Ci

• RMITUNIVERSITYA Molecular Simulation Study of Thermal and pH effects on apo-Lactoferrin Stability: Implications for Potential Encapsulation Function

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteriadature, especially with the travel grant procedure to Japan to present my honours thesis in my first symposium on “Modelling of pH effects on milk pro

teins and implications for binding to bacterial surface peptidoglycan" in 2016 and later, travel funds associated to Sydney, to present a poster based Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

on my first result chapter of this the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology Convention in 2017. it was a very smooth journey

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

. Furthermore, the computational facilities utilised in this thesis was undertaken with the assistance of resources and services from the National Com

• RMITUNIVERSITYA Molecular Simulation Study of Thermal and pH effects on apo-Lactoferrin Stability: Implications for Potential Encapsulation Function

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteriaciate Professor Colin Rix for his professional advice for my first result chapter and Associate Professor Darryl Small for his kind offer to view my s

econd result chapter. Others include postgraduate friends for offering their help and suggestions, my best friends for sticking with me and friends th Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

ai I made have given support and encouragement during my research candidature.Lastly to end. to thank my parents, these past 3+ years have not been ea

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

sy and was difficult for them to understand research study and what it entails, for their support and understandings.4Publications and PresentationsJo

• RMITUNIVERSITYA Molecular Simulation Study of Thermal and pH effects on apo-Lactoferrin Stability: Implications for Potential Encapsulation Function

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteriaular dynamics simulation study. (Manuscript under revision. Molecular Simulation. April 2018)Nhan c, Small DM. May BK. Hung A. pH-induced structural c

hanges of apo-lactoferrin and implications for its function: a molecular dynamics simulation study. Molecular Simulation. 2018. DOI: 10.1080/08927022. Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

2018.1535178Other conference presentationsNhan c. May BK. Hung, A. High-Temperature Molecular Simulations of Lactoferrin: Implications for Bacterial A

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteria

ttachment. Poster session presented at: RMIT Research Day: 2017 Jul 10: Melbourne. AU.Nhan c. May BK. Hung. A. High-Temperature Molecular Simulations

• RMITUNIVERSITYA Molecular Simulation Study of Thermal and pH effects on apo-Lactoferrin Stability: Implications for Potential Encapsulation Function

Masters thesis of science a molecular simulation study of thermal and ph effects on apo lactoferrin stability implications for potential encapsulation function of gram positive bacteriaiversary Convention: 2017 Jul 17-18: Sydney. AU.5Thesis with Publications Declaration• RMTTSchool of Graduate ResearchUMJVtRSrrrResearch outputs decla

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rct tor eaanvoNton. Rto extodet wbkcMMM and norvfradeonai research outputs •exther -»«T a-r reproduced w» pan er

• RMITUNIVERSITYA Molecular Simulation Study of Thermal and pH effects on apo-Lactoferrin Stability: Implications for Potential Encapsulation Function

• RMITUNIVERSITYA Molecular Simulation Study of Thermal and pH effects on apo-Lactoferrin Stability: Implications for Potential Encapsulation Function