Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

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Nội dung chi tiết: Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

MOVING TO THE LEADING EDGE: VOLUME 1Principles that DriveSrnnf* Rnn0rp0i»tinnQJUDAISMRuiMing Communiti«».n■ irininLT 1 fc- IKMUrXJ^^Iliin^ J•■WlWH BUM

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.PdfM.ForewordA lot of attention is paid these days to innovative start-ups in the Jewish world, and much of this attention is well-deserved. The energy a

nd creativity being unleashed are both extraordinary and critical to the present and future of Jewish life in North America and, likely, worldwide. Bu Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

t too often, it is similarly assumed that because established institutions arc. well, established, they arc not innovating internally. Frankly, that's

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

not the case.At the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ). we spend our days engaging with congregational leaders representing the nearly 850 congregations

MOVING TO THE LEADING EDGE: VOLUME 1Principles that DriveSrnnf* Rnn0rp0i»tinnQJUDAISMRuiMing Communiti«».n■ irininLT 1 fc- IKMUrXJ^^Iliin^ J•■WlWH BUM

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf No longer are congregations waiting for the conveyor belt to deliver them new members. They realize that existing solely to sustain their institution

s is nor a long-term prospect for growth or even for survival.Instead, they now see that they must innovate, by transforming the way they create sacre Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

d community and meaningful Jewish experiences to have an impact on the participants and the world around them. More and more URJ congregations are exp

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

erimenting, some of them on their own and some in partnership with other congregations. And its happening in congregations of all sizes and demographi

MOVING TO THE LEADING EDGE: VOLUME 1Principles that DriveSrnnf* Rnn0rp0i»tinnQJUDAISMRuiMing Communiti«».n■ irininLT 1 fc- IKMUrXJ^^Iliin^ J•■WlWH BUM

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdfbe able to move beyond managing the day to day; they need to have generative conversations about the future of their congregation and increase the ris

k(s) that they are willing to take. This is why we publish Moving to the Leading Edge. We want to give congregational board members leading-edge ideas Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

to wrestle with and discussion guides to help them navigate (he process.This edition of Moving to the Leading Edge comes in three separate volumes:•P

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

rinciples (hat Drive Strong Congregations•Leadership and Governance•Engaging CongregantsIn this volume, we have collected articles and discussion guid

MOVING TO THE LEADING EDGE: VOLUME 1Principles that DriveSrnnf* Rnn0rp0i»tinnQJUDAISMRuiMing Communiti«».n■ irininLT 1 fc- IKMUrXJ^^Iliin^ J•■WlWH BUM

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdfss. Tile articles in this resource have been written by URJ staff members, experts in the fields of leadership and congregational life, and leaders fr

om URJ congregations who are doing innovative work.We hope that these pieces will help you innovate and inspire sacred action at your congregation. Af Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

ter all, our ultimate goal of creating a world with wholeness, justice, and compassion can only be achieved wit Strong congregations.Amy AsinAAsin@URJ

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

.orgVice President for Strengthening Congregations, Union for Reform JudaismMoving to the Leading Edge Principles that Drive Strong Congregations • 3C

MOVING TO THE LEADING EDGE: VOLUME 1Principles that DriveSrnnf* Rnn0rp0i»tinnQJUDAISMRuiMing Communiti«».n■ irininLT 1 fc- IKMUrXJ^^Iliin^ J•■WlWH BUM

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.PdfonsHelayne Friedland, URJ Production ManagerJane I Iceman, URJ Senior Writer and EditorKate Bigam Kaput, URJ Digital Communications ManagerMichael Gol

dberg, URJ Director of Operations, Strengthening CongregationsMoriah Benjoseph Nassau, Associate, URJ Leadership InstituteRobin Riegelhaupt, URJ Manag Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

er of Strengthening Congregations ResourcesSpecial Thankslhe articles in Moving ID the Ifading /-z^vhavc been written by URJ staff members, experts in

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

rhe fields of leadership and congregational life, and congregational leaders who are doing innovative work. Bios for each of rhe writers can be found

MOVING TO THE LEADING EDGE: VOLUME 1Principles that DriveSrnnf* Rnn0rp0i»tinnQJUDAISMRuiMing Communiti«».n■ irininLT 1 fc- IKMUrXJ^^Iliin^ J•■WlWH BUM

Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdfknowledgement are extended to the following individuals and congregational leadership teams (listed alphabetically by state, then city):David Goldman.

Congregation Emanu-Đ. San Francisco, CA Movingtotheleadingedge_Volume1_Principlescongregations (1)_1.Pdf

MOVING TO THE LEADING EDGE: VOLUME 1Principles that DriveSrnnf* Rnn0rp0i»tinnQJUDAISMRuiMing Communiti«».n■ irininLT 1 fc- IKMUrXJ^^Iliin^ J•■WlWH BUM