New inside out pre intermediate workbook

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New inside out pre intermediate workbook

Pre-intermediateWorkbookMACMILLANwith Audio CDfc>4»sNew Oli*™Inside OutPhilip Kerr, Sue Kay & Vaughan JonesPre-intermediateWorkbookMACMILLANWWW. f ren

New inside out pre intermediate workbooknrr 1 1 sh . mhttps://thuvienf.Macmillan EducationBetween Towns Road. Oxford. 0X4 3PPA division of Macmillan Publishers LimitedCompanies and represe

ntatives throughout the worldISBN 978-1-4050-9061-5 (with key edition)ISBN 978-1-4050-9962-2 (without key edition)le ' Philip Kerr Sue Ka\ and Vaughan New inside out pre intermediate workbook

Jones 2008•M.icmil'.m Publishers Limited 2008First published 2008IJits reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

New inside out pre intermediate workbook

system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise. without the prior w ntten permission

Pre-intermediateWorkbookMACMILLANwith Audio CDfc>4»sNew Oli*™Inside OutPhilip Kerr, Sue Kay & Vaughan JonesPre-intermediateWorkbookMACMILLANWWW. f ren

New inside out pre intermediate workbook Peter 1 larper, Katie Mac, Ed McLachlan and Pete SmithCover design by Andrew OliverStory Tie Dancing Men' taken from The Spit Ul'J Band rmd Other Sfo

riiS retold by Anne Collins c copyright ,\nne Collins 2002, first published in the Macmillan Guided Readers Series. 1986.rhe author would like to than New inside out pre intermediate workbook

k Alyson Maskell for her continued professional support.I he authors and publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce thei

New inside out pre intermediate workbook

r photographs: Alamy/FANtravelslock pio. p27 {r) BANASASTOCK pp51,67(c I); p4; Corbin/Gavin Hellier/JAI ppI4 (

Pre-intermediateWorkbookMACMILLANwith Audio CDfc>4»sNew Oli*™Inside OutPhilip Kerr, Sue Kay & Vaughan JonesPre-intermediateWorkbookMACMILLANWWW. f ren

New inside out pre intermediate workbookonghursl p71; Getty Images pp6 (l,r). 24», Gtttv Imagcs/G.n in Hellier Robert Harding 12,Getty Images/Vincenzo Lombardo 14 (r), Getty Images/Nigel Ath

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New inside out pre intermediate workbook

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Pre-intermediateWorkbookMACMILLANwith Audio CDfc>4»sNew Oli*™Inside OutPhilip Kerr, Sue Kay & Vaughan JonesPre-intermediateWorkbookMACMILLANWWW. f ren

New inside out pre intermediate workbook page 4© Tense review. Auxiliary verbs. Gvifr.n frew. Question" negative and short forms, folks ; farts :ik.-o Family. Common adjective* Showing inter

esto Three newspaper storieso Bllmg in a form with 1'1 information Q Th.- schwa sound /s/ New inside out pre intermediate workbook

Pre-intermediateWorkbookMACMILLANwith Audio CDfc>4»sNew Oli*™Inside OutPhilip Kerr, Sue Kay & Vaughan JonesPre-intermediateWorkbookMACMILLANWWW. f ren