Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

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Nội dung chi tiết: Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

Williams College LibrariesCopyright Assignment and instructions for a student thesisYour unpublished thesis, submitted for a degree al Williams Colleg

Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards endge and administered by the Williams College Libraries, will be made available for research use. You may, through this form, provide instructions regar

ding copyright, access, dissemination and reproduction of your thesis. The College has the right in all cases to maintain and preserve theses both in Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

hardcopy and electronic format, and to make such copies as the Libraries require for their research and archival functions.The faculty' advisor’s to t

Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

he student writing the thesis claims joint authorship in this work.____I/wc have included in this thesis copyrighted material for which 1/wc have not

Williams College LibrariesCopyright Assignment and instructions for a student thesisYour unpublished thesis, submitted for a degree al Williams Colleg

Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards endowed to submit. How ever, if the necessary copyright permissions are not received, e-posting of yotir thesis may be affected. Copyrighted material may

include images (tables, drawings, photographs, figures, maps, graphs, etc.), sound tiles, video material, data sets, and large portions of text.I. CO Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

PYRIGHTAn author by law owns die copyright to his/her woric. whether Of not a copyright symbol and dare are placed on the piece. Please choose our of

Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

tlie options below with respect to the copyright in your thesis.I/we choose not to retain the copyright to the thesis, and hereby assign the copyright

Williams College LibrariesCopyright Assignment and instructions for a student thesisYour unpublished thesis, submitted for a degree al Williams Colleg

Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards endeed to obtain permission to do So from IỈH5 Libraries, which will be granted except in unusual circumstances. The I .ihrarics will he ircc ir. this ca

se to also grant permission to another researcher to publish some or all of the thesis. I f you have chosen this option, you do not need to complete t Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

he next section and can proceed to the signature line.t/i/we choose to retain the copyright to The thesis for a period of "7^ years, or until my/our d

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cath/s, whichever is the earlier, at which time the copyright shall be assigned to Williams College without need of further action by me/us or by my/o

Williams College LibrariesCopyright Assignment and instructions for a student thesisYour unpublished thesis, submitted for a degree al Williams Colleg

Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards endight for a period of years or for life.“Only Connect..If You Can, That Is:An Examination Of Humanism and Connection In A Passage to India and Howards

EndbyNandita O. BathcjaProfessor Stephen Tint, AdvisorA thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for theDegree of Bachelor of Arts Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

with Honorsin EnglishWILLIAMS COLLEGEWilliamstown, MassachusettsApril 16™, 2012Acknowledgements1 would like to thank from the bottom of my heart my ad

Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

visor. Professor Tifft, for being there through my every crisis, doubt, draft, frantic email, victory, and setback, as well as for his endless guidanc

Williams College LibrariesCopyright Assignment and instructions for a student thesisYour unpublished thesis, submitted for a degree al Williams Colleg

Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards ende many classes of revelations and laughs he has provided, along with the advice he has given me for all my essays to "just have fun.'1 Finally, I woul

d like to thank my dearest friends and fellow thesis writers Emily Cohen and Margaret Moore who struggled along with me like snails in sand, my honors Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

colloquium class for their solidarity and feedback, and my patient family and friends who let me know 1 was loved, and would always be, regardless of

Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end

the state of my prose.ContentsIntroduction:Making a Project of Connection......................................page6Chapter One:The Secret Understand

Williams College LibrariesCopyright Assignment and instructions for a student thesisYour unpublished thesis, submitted for a degree al Williams Colleg

Only connect if you can, that is an examination of humanism and connection in a passage to india and howards end.......page27Chapter Three:The Other Other: Redefining Humanism, Boundaries, and 46

Williams College LibrariesCopyright Assignment and instructions for a student thesisYour unpublished thesis, submitted for a degree al Williams Colleg