The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company

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Nội dung chi tiết: The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company

The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company

ACKNOWLEDGEFirst of all, 1 would like to send my deep thanks lo PhD. Ngo Tri 1 rung who has guided me from the beginning of my implementation until th

The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young companyhe topic ”The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by Ernst and Young company” completed. Thank you

very much for your precious guidance so that you can bravely carry' on and believe in your graduation thesis.1 would also like to acknowledge the cont The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company

ribution of the researchers, experts, my friends and especially Ernst and Young Vietnam Co., Ltd which help me a lot to complete the thesis.And above

The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company

all, Ĩ want to send my deepest gratitude to my family, who have encouraged, encouraged, and given me the most favorable conditions for me to complete

ACKNOWLEDGEFirst of all, 1 would like to send my deep thanks lo PhD. Ngo Tri 1 rung who has guided me from the beginning of my implementation until th

The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young companympanies implemented by Ernst and Young company” is the results of my own research and has never been published in any work of others. During the imple

mentation process of this project, Ĩ have seriously taken research ethics; all findings of this projects are results of my own research and surveys; a The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company

ll references in this project arc clearly cited according to regulations.I bear full responsibility for the fidelity of the number and data and other

The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company

contents of my graduation project.Hanoi, (day).......(month).......(year) 20...StudentTABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGESTALL-TORY DECLARATIONTABLE OF CONTE

ACKNOWLEDGEFirst of all, 1 would like to send my deep thanks lo PhD. Ngo Tri 1 rung who has guided me from the beginning of my implementation until th

The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company............11.2Objectives of study......................................21.3Scope of the study.......................................21.4Structure of

the thesis..................................21.5Methodologies and Data...................................2/. 6.1 Research method..................... The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company

.................31.6.2 Data source..........................................6CHAPTER 2: LU ER.ATI RE REVIEW..........................................

The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company

.........82.1 Features of payroll and personnel cycle..................82.Ị. I. Nature and content of payroll and personnel cycle...................82

ACKNOWLEDGEFirst of all, 1 would like to send my deep thanks lo PhD. Ngo Tri 1 rung who has guided me from the beginning of my implementation until th

The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company......152.1.4.Internal control of payroll and payroll deductions.....................162.3.The process of auditing payroll and payroll deductions in f

inancial statements audit.......................................................182.3.1.Audit planning......................................182.3.2.Au The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company

dit implementation................................232.3.3.Completing the audit................................30CHAPTER 3.............................

The auditing process of payroll and personnel cycle in manufacturing companies implemented by ernst and young company

........................32PRACTICES OF Al Dll OF PAYROLL AND PERSONNEL CYCLE CONDUCTED BY ERNST AND YOUNG VIETNAM..........................323.1.The a

ACKNOWLEDGEFirst of all, 1 would like to send my deep thanks lo PhD. Ngo Tri 1 rung who has guided me from the beginning of my implementation until th

ACKNOWLEDGEFirst of all, 1 would like to send my deep thanks lo PhD. Ngo Tri 1 rung who has guided me from the beginning of my implementation until th