Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

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Nội dung chi tiết: Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

Adjudicating an Ill-defined Problem from a System Development/Project Management Perspective: Utilizing a Knowledge Management Overlay ModelDavid G. M

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay modelMcKenna2010RMIT University - Melbourne, AustraliaAdjudicating an Ill-defined Problem from a System Develop men t/Project Management Perspective: Utili

zing a Knowledge Management Overlay ModelA thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Project ManagementDavid G. Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

McKennaMasters of Science Project Management (MSPM) Project Management Professional (PMP®>)School of Property’, Construction and Project Management RM

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

IT University Australia40391DECLARATION1 certify that except where due acknowledge lias been made, the work IS that of the author alone; the work has

Adjudicating an Ill-defined Problem from a System Development/Project Management Perspective: Utilizing a Knowledge Management Overlay ModelDavid G. M

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay models been carried out since the official commencement dare of rhe approved research program, and. any editorial work, paid or unpaid, carried our by a th

ird party is acknowledged.signed:David G McKenna MSc., PMPAugust 16.2010AcknowledgementsFirst. 1 would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Derek Wa Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

lker-, for all of Ills guidance. insights, inspiration. and most importantly, his never- ending support. You have been a driving force behind this wor

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

k. As well. 1 want to thank Dr. Ginger Levin for her unending positive motivation, unparalleled experience m this field of management and endless enco

Adjudicating an Ill-defined Problem from a System Development/Project Management Perspective: Utilizing a Knowledge Management Overlay ModelDavid G. M

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay modele me rhe support and the strength, and most importantly, the clear focus to meet the objective. I sincerely thank you both.Ĩ want to thank my mother a

nd father who have instilled in me a sense of drive and significance for finishing what 1 start. Ihcy have been with inc through Illis entire journey Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

and have been a powerful influence throughout my entire life. 1 am what you have made me and 1 thank you and love you both endlessly.Thank you to all

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

of my friends and extended family and specifically' my life partner. Helen-Ann Younger, for understanding the time commitment tor this body of work. D

Adjudicating an Ill-defined Problem from a System Development/Project Management Perspective: Utilizing a Knowledge Management Overlay ModelDavid G. M

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay modelrhe research over the course of tins thesis. Without your open and honest reflections this would not have been possible.In memory of my father who liv

es within me to this day. I miss you, and I love you and this is as much for you as it is for me.iiiAbstractOiganizations have Iona struggled with the Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

successful completion of projects within the time, cost and perfoimance indicators with respect to a customer product or solution that is expected to

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

ultimately meet the customer s expectations. Illis thesis demonstrates the luik between the successful creation, management and dissemination of proj

Adjudicating an Ill-defined Problem from a System Development/Project Management Perspective: Utilizing a Knowledge Management Overlay ModelDavid G. M

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model stakeholder needs through the successtill creation and transfer of project requirements.The knowledge management overlay model was developed to suppo

rt the requirements management domain and is the foundation for tins research. rhe knowledge management overlay model is based on the premise that the Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

re is a clear need to successfully create, and then transfer the information within a requirement horn person to person, team to team, as well as from

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

organization to organization without the loss, distortion or deformation of that content within a project management or system development process. A

Adjudicating an Ill-defined Problem from a System Development/Project Management Perspective: Utilizing a Knowledge Management Overlay ModelDavid G. M

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay modelnd is also considered rhe very underpinning of rhe requirement process. The goal of the knowledge management overly model is to ensure a clear and con

cise creation and transfer of requirements knowledge from inception of rhe business requirements to the functional product that is presented to the en Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

d user arid the ability to maintain the fundamental trails and characteristics of the requirements dial can gel lost dining the transfer of knowledge.

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay model

Once implemented within the project teams and the project management process, the knowledge transfer model will reduce mid or eliminate the alteratio

Adjudicating an Ill-defined Problem from a System Development/Project Management Perspective: Utilizing a Knowledge Management Overlay ModelDavid G. M

Doctoral thesis of project management adjudicating an ill defined problem from a system developmentproject management perspective utilizing a knowledge management overlay modelhance the enablers of successtill knowledge transfer and remove the barriers to successtill knowledge transfer ultimately increasing project success.i

Adjudicating an Ill-defined Problem from a System Development/Project Management Perspective: Utilizing a Knowledge Management Overlay ModelDavid G. M