Global pre intermediate unit specific communication activiti

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Nội dung chi tiết: Global pre intermediate unit specific communication activiti

Global pre intermediate unit specific communication activiti

Worksheet Part 1Identity cardDate Of BirthWhat’s11 eight1 low:Hair colourWhat colour:Eye colourWhat colour:Home low n / cityWhere:NationalityWherejOcc

Global pre intermediate unit specific communication activiticupation / job titleWhat(Company nameWhat’s your■Work telephone numberWhat■Mobile telephone numberW'hat’Date Of BirthWhat’s?1 leightI low?Hair colourW

hat colour?Eye colourWhat colour?Home town / cityWhere?NationalityWhere?(kxniparion / joh titleWhat?(Company nameWhat’s your?Work telephone numberWhat Global pre intermediate unit specific communication activiti

-Mobile telephone numberWhat■Glottal Pre-ntermedate Teacher's Resource CD fi Macmillan PutthsOữrs Limited 2010Photocopiable ( 1Worksheet Part 2Identit

Global pre intermediate unit specific communication activiti

y cardGlottal Pre-mtermedate Teacrier’s Resource CD © Macmillan Puttlishers Limited 2010Photocopiattle ( 2Teacher’s NotesIdentity cardActivityThis is

Worksheet Part 1Identity cardDate Of BirthWhat’s11 eight1 low:Hair colourWhat colour:Eye colourWhat colour:Home low n / cityWhere:NationalityWherejOcc

Global pre intermediate unit specific communication activitiocument.Preparation1Make one copy of Worksheet Part 1 lor each pair of students.2( hit Work-sheer Parr I in half so that caeh student has a set of que

stions to complete.J .Make one copy of Worksheet Part 2 for each student. Global pre intermediate unit specific communication activiti

Worksheet Part 1Identity cardDate Of BirthWhat’s11 eight1 low:Hair colourWhat colour:Eye colourWhat colour:Home low n / cityWhere:NationalityWherejOcc