Nội dung chi tiết: Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdf
gate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.PdfHorlbeck (died); second, Emma Julia Blum; a 33rd degree Mason, also served as one of the District Deputy Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of Masons of South Carolina. Home, Charleston, S. c.Ftabbume, Skottowe Bellmger, physician; born at Johnsonville, Williamsburg County; son of Rev. Charles Carroll Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdf and Mary Isabel J Bel linger) Fishbume; educated in Carlisle Fitting School, Bamberg, and Univ, of s. c.; M. D-, Medical College of s. Cm 1900; began
practice at Columbia in 1900; for six years county physician of Richland County; city health officer of Columbia three years, 1916-1918; since 1918 hgate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdfate war; member Columbia Medical Society, State and Southern Medical Assn’s. Married Marion Lee Green, of Columbia, Nov. 11, 1903. Address, Columbia, s. c.FitzSimons, Christopher, manufacturer; bom at Charleston, s. Cm January 26, 1856; son of Christopher and Susan Milliken (Barker) FltzSimons; atte Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdfnded Charleston public schools, Carolina Military Institute, Charlotte, N. c.; civil engineer, 1878-80, manager at Columbia, s. Cm for the Southern Oi
l Co., 1889-1901, negotiated sale of the Southern Cotton Oil Co. to the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., one of the largest business transactions ever gate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdf5; president of s. c. Cotton Seed Crushers' Assn., 1907-08, at present a member of its executive committee; married Frances Motte Huger, Charleston, s. Cm February 12, 1890; member of Columbia and Ridgewood Clubs. Address, Columbia, s. cFitzSimona, w. Huger, lawyer; bom at Charleston, s. Cm January Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdf8, 1861; son of Christopher and Susan Milliken (Barker) FltzSlmons; graduate of College of Charleston, 1881, studied law in the City of New York and C
harleston, s. Cm admitted to the bar, 1883; since 1916 has had as a law partner his son, s. G. FitzSimons; married Anne Palmer Cain, Pinopolis, s. C-,gate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdf Ellicott city, Md., Mt. St. Mary’s College, Emmlttsburg, Md., graduate of, with degree of A. B., studied theology at St. Mary’s Seminary, from which he was ordained, June 24, 1900, at Charleston, s. c. by the Right Rev. H. p. Northrop, bishop of Charleston; first appointment was to Colurn bia, s. c Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdf., where he served nine years, then transferred to Spartanburg, s. c., then two years later was transferred to Stella Maris church, Sullivan’s Island,
where he has since remained. Address, Charleston, s. c., Sullivan’s Island.Fletcher, Orlin Altman, clergyman, educator; born Scottland, Brant County,gate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdfow Univ, of Chicago), 1883; M. A., Colgate, 1886; D. D., Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, Ill., 1889; ordained Baptist ministry, 1876, pastor Spring Lake, Mich., 1876; Allegan, 1877; Caro, 1880; Ottowa. Ill., 1882; Aurora, 1886; Springfield, 1888; secretary Baptist Missionary Union, 1893; supply past Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdfor, Connecticut, 1899; Chicopee Falls, Maas., 1903; professor philosophy and political science, Furman University, Greenville, s. C., since 1908; lect
urer philosophy, Grove City (Pa.) College, summers 1913-17; also at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1916; member American Philos. Assn.; authorgate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.PdfMarch, 1877, to Eva Emery, Spring Lake, Mich. Address, 440 University Ridge, Greenville, s. C.Floyd, John F., undertaker, mayor; born in York District (now County) in 1866; educated in schools of Spartanburg; entered furniture and undertaking business in 1894; since 1908 has been interested solely i Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdfn undertaking business; mayor of Spartanburg since 1905; married Leita Russell of Spartanburg. Member of Masons, Elks, Woodmen, Red Men. Address, Spar
tanburg, s. c.Frampton, William McLeod, planter, stockman; bprn on the McLeod plantation, James’ Island, s. c., 1876 ; son of James and Annie (McLeod)gate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdftural secretary of the Charleston Chamber of Commerce, pioneer in establishing boys' corn and pig clubs, agricultural officer of the Citizens Bank of Charleston; secretary of the Charleston Branch of the s. c. Cotton Assn., secretary and treasurer of the Agricultural Society of s. C., secretary of t Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdfhe s. c. Development Board ; married Isabelle Addison, Aiken, s. c.; member of American Legion, Presbyterian church. Home, Charleston, s. c.Fraser, Th
omas Boone, judge; bom at Sumter, s. c., June 21. 1860; son of Thomas and Sarah Margaret (McIver) Fraser; A. B. degree from Davidson College, N. c., 1gate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdfile ỉn House, Associate Justice of Supreme Court of s. c., since 1912, member of S. c. Bar Assn.; married Emma Edmunds, Sumter, s. c., December 16, 1886; member of Presbyterian church. Address, Sumter, s. C.Fretwell, Joseph J., business man; bom near Anderson, s. c., March 21, 1850; son of Joseph Y. Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdf and Nancy Louisa (Russell) Fretwell; attended old field schools near his home; in 1872 became a partner with Sylvester Bleckley in the merchandise bu
siness, being New York buyer of the concern, aided in developing mica mines of Anderson County. Home, Anderson, S c. .Frierson, James Nelson, lawyer, gate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdflitary Academy, Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., Columbia University, New York City; B. L. and LL. B, degrees from Hobart College and Columbia University, respectively; professor of law at University of s. C. from 1908 to 1920; became dean of the University Law Department In 1920; member of law firm o Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdff Barron, McKay. Frierson A McCanta; during World War active in Liberty Loan campaigns and War Camp Community Service; married Louise Dwight Mazyek, C
harleston, s. C , February 19, 1901; member of Kappa Alpha Fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity, Phi Delta Phi Fraternity Kosmos Club, Columbia, S. cgate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdft Charleston, s. c., spent one year at Sewanee, Tenn., received A. B. degree from Harvard University, 1886, read law In the office of Smythe & Lee; admitted to the bar In 1888; member of the firm of Smythe, Lee A Frost, 1888-1911, since then has practiced alone; trustee of Porter Military Academy, c Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdfhancellor of the Episcopal church for the Diocese of South Carolina, has served as a member of the Charleston School Board; chairman of the Charleston
Democratic Convention, 1914, chairman of the Charleston City Democratic Executive Committee, 1919; served in Spanish-American War as a captain in thegate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdflub. Home, Charleston, s. c.Fulmar, Hampton Pitts, farmer, merchant, banker; born at Springfield s. c., June 23, 1875; son of J. Riley Fulmer; attended Springfield High /School, Massey Business College, Columbus, Ga.; president Farmers National Bank, Farmers Warehouse Co., Fulmer-Jones Co., all of N Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdforway, s. c ; mayor of Norway, s. C-, member s. c. House 'of Representatives from Orangeburg County, 1916-20, elected to u. s. House of Representative
s from Seventh Congressional District, November 2, 1920, served on Banking and Insurance and Ways and Means Committees while ỉn s. c. House of Represegate to the National Democratic Convention at St. Louin, Mo., 1876; served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War; married Margaret Buckingham H Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdfns, w. o. w., Moose. Home, Orangeburg, s. c.Gadsden, Philip Henry, lawyer; born In Charleston, s. Cm in 1867; son of Christopher and Florida Gadsden; educated In Holy Communion Church Institute (Porter Mil Acad.); A. B., s. c. College (Univ, of s. C.), 1888 and law student in same institution; admit Whos_Who_In_South_Carolina_Pub_1921-61-120.Pdfted to the bar in 1889; first a clerk of and later a partner of T. M. Mor decal; made vice-president of the Charleston Consolidated Railway, Gas and E
lectric Co. in 1899; made president of the Roanoke Navigation and Power Co., Weldon, N. C., in 1903; made vice-president of the Charleston Light and W