GUIDELINES FOR MARINE ARTIFICIAL REEF MATERIALSSECOND EDITIONA JOINT PUBLICATION OF THE GULF AND ATLANTIC STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSIONSNUMBER 12 Guidelines_For_Marine_Artificial_Reef_Materials_January_2004.Pdf2137987CONTRIBUTING AUTHORSHenry Ansley’ Coastal Resources Division Georgia Department of Natural Resourcesc Michael Bailey1'* NOAA FisheriesDennis Bedford California Department of Fish and GameMel Bell’2 Marine Resoiưces Division South Carolina Department of Natural ResourcesMike Buchanan2 Mississi Guidelines_For_Marine_Artificial_Reef_Materials_January_2004.Pdfppi Department of Manne Resoiu cesLes Dauterive2 Minerals Management Sen iceJon Dodrill1* Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionBill Flgley
1 New Jersey Division of Fish and WildlifeJim Francesconi1 North Carolina Division of Marine FisheriesStevens R Heath2 Alabama Department of ConservatGUIDELINES FOR MARINE ARTIFICIAL REEF MATERIALSSECOND EDITIONA JOINT PUBLICATION OF THE GULF AND ATLANTIC STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSIONSNUMBER 12 Guidelines_For_Marine_Artificial_Reef_Materials_January_2004.Pdfis LaPorta1 Bureau of Mar me ResourcesNew York State Department of Environmental ConservationVin Malkoski1 Massachusetts Division of Marine FisheriesRobert M. Maitore1 Marine Resources Division South Carolina Department of Natural ResourcesMichael H. Meier1 Virginia Marine Resources CommissionKeith Guidelines_For_Marine_Artificial_Reef_Materials_January_2004.PdfMillc1Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation CommissionRichard Satchwiir Rhode Island Division of Fish and WildlifeDale Shively3 Texas Parks and Wildl
ife DepartmentFrank Steimle1 NOAA Fisheries Sandy Hook LaboratoryJeff Tinsman Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife‘Atlantic States Marine Fisheries GUIDELINES FOR MARINE ARTIFICIAL REEF MATERIALSSECOND EDITIONA JOINT PUBLICATION OF THE GULF AND ATLANTIC STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSIONSNUMBER 12 Guidelines_For_Marine_Artificial_Reef_Materials_January_2004.Pdfk the various authors of sections contained m this document for then diligence and dedication to getting the job done. All recognize the importance of this document and gave of themselves freely toward Its completion. Nancy Marcellus. Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission. IS also deserving of tha Guidelines_For_Marine_Artificial_Reef_Materials_January_2004.Pdfnks for her talent and hard work toward completion of this document, and we gratefully acknowledge her efforts.-iv-GUIDELINES FOR MARINE ARTIFICIAL REEF MATERIALSSECOND EDITIONA JOINT PUBLICATION OF THE GULF AND ATLANTIC STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSIONSNUMBER 12GUIDELINES FOR MARINE ARTIFICIAL REEF MATERIALSSECOND EDITIONA JOINT PUBLICATION OF THE GULF AND ATLANTIC STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSIONSNUMBER 12