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Nội dung chi tiết: Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf


STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis

Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdfs, and ensuing soaring unemployment and plunging government revenues highlighted the increasingly urgent need to tackle persistent social issues in mo

re effective ways. As governments around the world head towards a massive gap between the expected need for social services and their ability to pay f Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

or them, and philanthropic funding is increasingly under pressure, society must find innovative and new ways to tackle entrenched social issues that a


re both an economic burden and great injury to the fabric of society.While our capitalist system in many respects deals admirably with its economic co

STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis

Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdfh across nations and we are still very far from resolving even our most urgent social issues such as homelessness, recidivism, drug addiction and educ

ation drop-out rates. The social sector has done its best to alleviate social problems that have eluded direct government intervention. Yet most socia Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

l sector organisations are woefully under-funded with the majority having no more than a few months funding at their disposal. With philanthropic dona


tions declining in parallel with the funds available from deficit-ridden governments, it is clear that there is a need for a revolution in resolving s

STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis

Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdfnd scale in the way we tackle today's complex societal challenges. It seeks to channel capital to drive measurable social and financial returns. It ai

ms to harness investment and entrepreneurial skills to drive social innovation in the same manner investment and enterprise drives business and techni Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

cal innovation. Attracting new capital to tackle issues at scale requires the development of an effective eco-system that connects the social sector t


o the capital markets and introduces new financial instruments that enable social entrepreneurs to achieve significant social impact as well as accept

STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis

Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdfaningful difference to people's lives. Impact investment will encourage a change in the mind set of social organisations and entrepreneurs, enabling t

hem to take risks as they invest in innovation and growth. It will also drive a change of mind-set among charitable, institutional and private investo Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

rs attracted by the combination of social as well as financial returns. With an appropriate enabling policy and regulatory environment in place, socia


l entrepreneurs and impact investors will be able to fill the gap between social need and current government provision. Impact investment has the pote

STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis

Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdfterest and activity around impact investing continues to grow in Canada, so does the demand for information around trends and opportunities. The state

of the Nation Report provides updated information and analysis that can inform both new and existing actors in the impact investment sector.We see th Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

is report - including the data, examples, analysis and recommendations - as an important contribution towards a robust and integrated marketplace. As


the first report of its kind, we hope that it can provide a solid foundation for future market research efforts.We would like to thank those who have

STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis

Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf date, and to deepen our collective engagement and performance in order to realize the potential of impact investing to enable progress on social and

environmental issues.- CO AUTHORS. KARIM HARJI & JOANNA REYNOLDSOver the last several years Canada has made tremendous progress in establishing the fr Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

amework and infrastructure to support social finance and impact investing with the sector now being in the position to establish itself as a major com


ponent of the economic landscape both domestically and internationally.There are tremendous steps being made in communities across the country and we

STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis

Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdfing these visions to fruition and building the long term structural and systemic support that will allow these initiatives to become permanent parts o

f our communities.We hope you find this outline of the state of the nation useful and look forward to continuing to report on the progress that is bei Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

ng made in moving the social finance and impact investing agenda forward.- TED ANDERSON, DIRECTOR, MARS CENTRE FOR IMPACT INVESTINGThat's where impact


investing comes in - placing private capital into investments that deliver public good. The state of the Nation report is an important resource for u

STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis


s this report reveals, impact investing in Canada has made important strides. Much hard work has delivered some early successes. The CEDIF model in th Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

e east is a flexible tax-advantaged government incentive that has delivered local impact capital for years, and Quebec's Chantier de I’economie social


e has built a strong network of community organizations, conduits for impact capital, and funds to provide that capital. Also a welcome sign is the cr

STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis

Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdfewer examples of successful impact funds. Community Forward Fund is a unique registered national fund attracting a broad array of investment. In addit

ion to new fund development, the sector is marked by increasingly practical collaboration. This winter in Nova Scotia, practitioners needing to create Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

a new debt tool pulled together experienced impact lenders and fund managers from across Canada and the northeast US, and in two days designed a solu


tion. A national collaboration of four foundations and a Quebec investment fund has created a hybrid company to design and manage new thematic funds.

STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis

Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf part reflecting the sector-development efforts of the Centre for Impact Investing. As of yet less successful in ensuring broad representation of prac

titioners, but an important work in progress, the Canadian Advisory Task Force is working to bring a Canadian voice to the G8 impact investment initia Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

tive.The report also reflects significant challenges. The big banks and institutions have stayed largely on the sidelines. The amount of capital they


have deployed is far below their economic clout. They are needed to achieve the "impact at scale” we talk about and will not meaningfully participate

STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis

Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdfmust play its part too, ensuring that CRA regulations enable, rather than frustrate, the participation of foundations, charities and nonprofits. A fin

al challenge is captured by the very breadth of the report. Ours is a sector too frequently characterized by activity and promotion and not frequently Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

enough by strong voices responsible for significant funds under management. It undermines our seriousness, our credibility. The focus should be on ra


ising capital and putting it to impact use, not talking about it.Congratulations to MaRS and Purpose Capital on creating this rich and timely report.

STATE OF THE NATIONIMPACT INVESTING IN CANADACENTRE FOR lYlCirO IMPACT INVESTINGhttps: //k hot h u vien .comFOREWORDThe recent global financial crisis

Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdfis not about being at the fringe of huge capital markets or facilitating government innovation. Impact investing is about ending the single bottom lin

e, redefining "fiduciary”, and reclaiming the social compact in Canada that calls all citizens and institutions to understand their economic success o Impact-Investing-In-Canada-State-Of-The-Nation-2014-En.pdf

nly in connection with the well-being of their communities, their nations, and the globe.- ANDY BRODERICK, VICE PRESIDENT, COMMUNITY INVESTMENT, VANCI


TYAUTHORSKarim Harjl, Purpose CapitalJoanna Reynolds, MaRS Centre for Impact InvestingHilary Best, Purpose CapitalMathu Jeyaloganathan, Purpose Capita