Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

The academic acculturation experience of international students. Insights from an evaluation of the RMIT University's 'International student Stories'

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website websiteBarbara Ann MorganBA (University of Melbourne)Grad. Dip. Ed. (University of Melbourne)BEd (La Trobe University) Postgraduate TESLGrad. Dip. Em

ployee Relations(Monash University)An exegesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business.School of ManagementCo Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

llege of BusinessRMIT University41183AbstractOften the difficulties that international students face in adjusting to study in Australia are attributed

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

to poor language levels. However, academic and pedagogical acculturation issues are also a significant cause of miscommunication, misunderstanding an

The academic acculturation experience of international students. Insights from an evaluation of the RMIT University's 'International student Stories'

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories websitehich developed an academic acculturation website for international students. The focus of the website ‘International student Stories' (ISS) consists o

f mini advice segments in short video clips from experienced international students. Their stories focus on the lessons they have learned studying in Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

Australia around four key areas of academic acculturation. The rationale for the project and its evaluation draws on a significant body of research on

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

the impact of cultural styles in academic transition and on increasing evidence of the difficulties international students face adjusting to study in

The academic acculturation experience of international students. Insights from an evaluation of the RMIT University's 'International student Stories'

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website findings are the significant challenges international students face to their identities as successful learners in adjusting to new classroom environm

ents, differing cultural styles of academic discourse, knowledge creation and attribution as well as the nature of critique. It is argued that while t Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

he ISS website is an effective, introductory resource for international students, the successful participation of international students requires that

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

the discourses of university disciplines need to be explicitly taught within the students' programs of study.DeclarationThis is to certify that:•the

The academic acculturation experience of international students. Insights from an evaluation of the RMIT University's 'International student Stories'

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories websiteother material used.Barbara MorganiiAcknowledgementsThe author would like to thank the 100-plus international students who gave their thoughtful insig

hts into the International Students academic acculturation experience. Without the willingness of these students to share their stories the ‘Internati Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

onal student Stories' website would never have been completed and subsequently evaluated in this exegesis. Special acknowledgement and thanks must go

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

to the eight students who shared their stones and were videotaped for the website: Siphwe, Umbreen, Luc, Quan, Hans. Hui Qmg, Melkam and ToneI would a

The academic acculturation experience of international students. Insights from an evaluation of the RMIT University's 'International student Stories'

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories websitenternational student Stories' website, for their counsel, enthusiasm and dedication to the project. Due credit must also go to the funding body for th

e ‘International student Stories' project, the RMIT University Learning and Teaching Investment Fund, for financing the project as well as the RMIT Ed Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

uTAG group for the design and online development. Thanks also to Lyn Bond for her educational design input into the project's development.To my primar

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

y supervisor Dr David Hodges and my second supervisor Dr Lynnel Hoare: thank you so much for your wisdom, guidance and patience. Your support of the r

The academic acculturation experience of international students. Insights from an evaluation of the RMIT University's 'International student Stories'

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories websiteand Jessie for their support as well as tolerance of an often absent wife and mother. To my friends also (especially Anna), thank you for your encoura

gement and interest in my research.iiiList of figuresFigure 1: University Diversity Management Approach........................ 7Figure 2: Development Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

and dimensions of the Masters by Research (by Project) ...”........................................................ .......9Figure 3: Cultural

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories website

discourse styles.......................................13Figure 4: Online questionnaire: Was the information new?..................58Figure 5: Online

The academic acculturation experience of international students. Insights from an evaluation of the RMIT University's 'International student Stories'

Masters thesis of business the academic acculturation experience of international students insights from an evaluation of the rmit universitys international student stories websiteine questionnaire: Was the information useful? Results of the four sections of the website...................................................60iv

The academic acculturation experience of international students. Insights from an evaluation of the RMIT University's 'International student Stories'