Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systems

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Nội dung chi tiết: Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systems

Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systems

https: //k hot h u vien .comHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYMASTER’S GRADUATION THESISOptimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality s

Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systemssystemsNGUYEN MET DI NG Major: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (Elitech)Thesis advisor:Assoc.Prof. Do Phan Thu

an ■Institute:School of Information and Communication TechnologyHA NOI, 09/2022CỘNG HÒA XÀ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúcBẢN XÁC N Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systems

HẢN CHỈNH SỬA LUẬN VĂN THẠC Sĩ • • •I lo và tên tác giá luận văn: Nguyền Việt DùngDồ tài luận văn: Triển khai tối ưu các liệ thống quan trắc không khi

Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systems

di dộng thông minh( huyên ngành: Khoa học dừ liệu và I rí tuệ nhân tạoMã số SVỉ 20202342MTác gia. Người hướng dan khoa học và Hội đồng chấm luận vãn

https: //k hot h u vien .comHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYMASTER’S GRADUATION THESISOptimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality s

Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systemsnghiên cứu có liên quan trong chương 2.-Dôi tên chương 3 rít “Problem formulation & hardness” thành ‘ 'Problem formula I ion’’.-Ihêm phát biêu VC bài

toán opportunistic sensing optimization trước khi viết tát thành oso.-Dôi tên phần 3.2 thành “Mathematical formulation of OSO”.-Ihêm giãi thích rõ hơn Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systems

về hàm mục tiêu và các diều kiện trong mục 3.2.-Thêm lý do giai thích Vi sao sir dụng thuật toán quy hoạch động:‘ìn this simplified scenario, our dyn

Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systems

amic programming approach guarantees that the set found by the submaxSet function is always maximum, thus the number a mentioned in the previous secti

https: //k hot h u vien .comHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYMASTER’S GRADUATION THESISOptimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality s

Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systemsproccss which has a lower performance ratio for that.”-Thêm một so giãi thích chi tiet VC các thuật toán meta-heuristics và lý do lựa chọn sư dụng chú

ng, cụ thê như sau:+ “They are appropriate methods to verify efficiency of the approximation algorithm, since their tremendous performance in practice Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systems

was shown in numerous research papers, especially researches related to air monitoring systems. If the greedy approximation approach is decent, the e

Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systems

xperimental results producedby it should be competitive to the ones produced by the chosen metaheuristics. It is indeed true, and we will show the exp

https: //k hot h u vien .comHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYMASTER’S GRADUATION THESISOptimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality s

Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systemsm, arc chosen to solve the OSO problem because of their simplicity and efficiency in practice. Related researches about air monitoring systems also de

ployed these methods to solve challenging problems, and the results usually show that they arc good choices for creating a solution."-Thèm giãi thích Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systems

cho các hình VC vả bảng biểu.-Thêm mô tà input và output cho các thuật toán.-Thêm mục 6.4. “Comparison of results between the approximation algorithm

Optimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality systems

and the m eta-heuristics” và chuyển mục 6.4 củ thành mục 6.5. “Discussion”.Ngày tháng nămGiáo viên hướng dẫnTác già luận vanC HU TỊCH HỌI DÕNGGraduati

https: //k hot h u vien .comHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYMASTER’S GRADUATION THESISOptimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality s

https: //k hot h u vien .comHANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYMASTER’S GRADUATION THESISOptimal deployment of intelligent mobile air quality s