Masters thesis of business environmental management accounting for an australian cogeneration company

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masters thesis of business environmental management accounting for an australian cogeneration company

Masters thesis of business environmental management accounting for an australian cogeneration company

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING FOR AN AUSTRALIANCOG ENERATION co.\ I PAN YDamian Tien Foo NiapSchool of Accounting and Law Faculty of Business390

Masters thesis of business environmental management accounting for an australian cogeneration company052A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business fromRMIT UniversityDeclarationI certify that:a)except whe

re due acknowledgement has been made, the work is that of the author alone;b)the work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to quali Masters thesis of business environmental management accounting for an australian cogeneration company

fy for any other academic award;c)the content of the thesis is the result of work which has been carried out since the official commencement date of t

Masters thesis of business environmental management accounting for an australian cogeneration company

he approved research program; anddi any editorial work, paid or unpaid, carried out by a third party is acknowledged.Damian Tien Foo NiapiiAcknowledgm

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING FOR AN AUSTRALIANCOG ENERATION co.\ I PAN YDamian Tien Foo NiapSchool of Accounting and Law Faculty of Business390

Masters thesis of business environmental management accounting for an australian cogeneration companymy senior supervisor Professor Robert Clift whom I would like to thank. I would also like to thank my supervisor Dr David Gow land for his guidance.Fu

rthermore. I would like to thank the staff at the case study company for their support, patience and assistance in providing me with the information r Masters thesis of business environmental management accounting for an australian cogeneration company

equired in relation to this thesis. Their cooperation was crucial to the completion of this thesis.I would also like to thank RMIT University and espe

Masters thesis of business environmental management accounting for an australian cogeneration company

cially the School of Accounting and Law for providing me with a Research Trainee Scheme place which exempts me from paying any tuition fees for this c

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING FOR AN AUSTRALIANCOG ENERATION co.\ I PAN YDamian Tien Foo NiapSchool of Accounting and Law Faculty of Business390

Masters thesis of business environmental management accounting for an australian cogeneration companyFoo NiapiiiTable of ContentsPage no.Abstract2Chapter I Introduction1.1Introduction31.2The role of accountants in sustainable development51.3The resear

ch objective91.4Research questions101.5Scope of research121.6Confidentiality141.7Significance of research15C hapter 2 Literature Review2.1Introduction Masters thesis of business environmental management accounting for an australian cogeneration company


ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING FOR AN AUSTRALIANCOG ENERATION co.\ I PAN YDamian Tien Foo NiapSchool of Accounting and Law Faculty of Business390