Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems

Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems

•RMITUNIVERSITYMultimodal Data Fusion for Cyber-Physical-Human SystemsA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of

Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems EngineeringLars Joyce PlankeBEng (Electrical) (Hon 1st Class) (RMIT University)School of EngineeringCollege of Science, Technology, Engineering and M

athsRMIT University44317DeclarationI certify that except where due acknowledgement has been made, this work is that of the author alone; this work has Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems

not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any other academic award; the content of the thesis is the result of work, which h

Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems

as been carried out since the official commencement date of the approved research program; any editorial work, paid or unpaid, carried out by a third

•RMITUNIVERSITYMultimodal Data Fusion for Cyber-Physical-Human SystemsA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of

Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systemsprovision of an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship.Lars Joyce Plankc44336AcknowledgementsIn conducting my Master of Engineeri

ng research program, I would firstly like to express my gratitude to my supervisors Prof. Roberto (Rob) Sabatini and Dr. Alessandro (Alex) Gardi, in w Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems

hich their advice, guidance and aspirations have been of utmost importance in completing a successful research project. I would like to give my thanks

Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems

to Rob for identifying a potential in me, opening up invaluable opportunities and aspiring me to strive for excellence. I would also like to thank Al

•RMITUNIVERSITYMultimodal Data Fusion for Cyber-Physical-Human SystemsA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of

Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systemsxiang Lim, Nichakorn Pongsarkornsathien, Sam Hilton, Rohan Kapoor, Suraj Bijjahalli and Federico Rivalta. Their accompanying presence have made this e

ndeavour highly rewarding, with stimulating interactions that have sparked valuable insights and helped progress my research.I would also like to give Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems

many thanks to Dr. Neta Ezer from Northrop Grumman Corporation for providing helpful feedback and supporting this research project. Also, thanks to T

Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems

revor Kistan from Thales Australia for helping me conduct this research and providing feedback. I would also like to acknowledge and express my gratit

•RMITUNIVERSITYMultimodal Data Fusion for Cyber-Physical-Human SystemsA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of

Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems a particular gratitude goes to my partner Bella Reid and her family for providing extra support through unusual and uncertain times, without which th

is research would not have been as successful. Finally, I would to like to give my heartfelt appreciation to all my friends and family in Norway and A Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems

ustralia. No matter the physical distance I can always rely on their encouragement, care and constant source of support.IITable of ContentsDeclaration

Masters thesis of engineering multimodal data fusion for cyber physical human systems

IAcknowledgements IIList of Figures VIIIList of Tables XIList of Acronyms and Abbreviations XIIExecutive Summary 1Chapter 1. introductionBackground3U

•RMITUNIVERSITYMultimodal Data Fusion for Cyber-Physical-Human SystemsA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of

•RMITUNIVERSITYMultimodal Data Fusion for Cyber-Physical-Human SystemsA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree ofMaster of