Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s

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Nội dung chi tiết: Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s

Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s

An Empirical Investigation into the Significance of Intellectual Capital and Strategic Orientations on Innovation Capability and Firm Performance in M

Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) sMalaysian Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SMEs)A thesis submilled in fulfilment of the requirements for t

he degree of Doctor of PhilosophyJuliana Osman @ Zainal AbidinBBA, MBASchool of ManagementBusiness PortfolioRMIT University41699STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHI Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s

PI certify that except where due acknowledgement has been made, the work is that of the author alone: the work has not been submitted previously, in w

Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s

hole or in part, to qualify for any other academic award: the content of the thesis is the result of work which has been carried out since the officia

An Empirical Investigation into the Significance of Intellectual Capital and Strategic Orientations on Innovation Capability and Firm Performance in M

Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) smanTain al Abidin41699iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAlhamdulillah. thank you to Allah for all His blessings in making this endeavour a successful one. The complet

ion of this thesis is a dream come true with the encouragement and support from many parlies and individuals.First of all 1 would like to lake this op Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s

portunity to convey the deepest appreciation to my principal supervisor. Associate Professor David Gilbert. I regard him as a very understanding and c

Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s

aring supervisor. His thoughts, advice, comments and critique have strongly motivated me to overcome the hurdles in this PhD journey. His confidence a

An Empirical Investigation into the Significance of Intellectual Capital and Strategic Orientations on Innovation Capability and Firm Performance in M

Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) sn. who has shared her thoughts and facilitated my work diligently throughout the years. I would like Io acknowledge Associate Professor Siva Muthaly f

rom the Graduate School of Business and Law. RM1T. for providing his insights on the data analysis methods for this thesis.My appreciation goes to the Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s

Ministry of Higher Education. Malaysia and my employer. Univcrsiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Malaysia for awarding the scholarships. Without the finan

Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s

cial support from both reputable parlies, this PhD endeavour would not have been possible.I extend my gratitude to all my family members, especially m

An Empirical Investigation into the Significance of Intellectual Capital and Strategic Orientations on Innovation Capability and Firm Performance in M

Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) sd enough to spare their lime listening to my grumbling in tough times, sharing the laughter during good times and lending a helping hand when it is mo

st needed, thank you from the bottom of my heart! You know who you are!iiiDEDICATIONThis thesis is dedicated to the love of my life, Mohd Hazanoi Mohd Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s

Hashim, for your wholehearted love, endless prayers, sincere support and strong patience throughout the entire journeyandTo my beloved children: my l

Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s

ovely daughter Iffa Nadhira and my two heroes, Isyraf Syafiq and Jsyraf Hazjq,All of you are my sources of motivation and inspiration for this accompl

An Empirical Investigation into the Significance of Intellectual Capital and Strategic Orientations on Innovation Capability and Firm Performance in M

Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) sWLEDGEMENTS.................................................iiiDEDICATION........................................................ivTABLE OF CONTENTS..

................................................VLIST OF TABLES....................................................ixLIST OF FIGURES.................. Doctoral thesis of philosophy an empirical investigation into the significance of intellectual capital and strategic orientations on innovation capability and firm performance in malaysian information and communications technology (ict) s


An Empirical Investigation into the Significance of Intellectual Capital and Strategic Orientations on Innovation Capability and Firm Performance in M

An Empirical Investigation into the Significance of Intellectual Capital and Strategic Orientations on Innovation Capability and Firm Performance in M