Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

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Nội dung chi tiết: Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

• RMITUNIVERSITYLegitimacy of the current Australian Financial Services Licensee-authorised representative licensing model: Theory and Australian empi

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidenceirical evidenceA thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyAngelique Nadia Sweetman MclnnesMaster of Co

mmerce and Management in Financial Management (Lincoln University, New Zealand), Diploma in Management t University of Canterbury.Zealand)Baccalaureus Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

Commercii Honores (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. Republic of South Africa) Baccalattreus Commercii (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University,

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

Republic of South Africa)School of Accounting College of Business RMIT University43191DECLARATIONI certify that except where due acknowledgement has

• RMITUNIVERSITYLegitimacy of the current Australian Financial Services Licensee-authorised representative licensing model: Theory and Australian empi

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidenceard; the content of the thesis is the result of work, which has been carried out since the official commencement date of the approved research program

; any editorial work, paid or unpaid, carried out by a third party is acknowledged; and. ethics procedures and guidelines have been followed.I acknowl Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

edge the support I have received for my research through the provision of an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship.Angelique Nad

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

ia Sweetman Mclnnes43220ITOEWYDINGAan my oortede liefsle liefdevoile otters,ACettba, TCizabetba Sweetman (nee Mom) (7 Vesember 1945 10 Oktober 2OOỌ) e

• RMITUNIVERSITYLegitimacy of the current Australian Financial Services Licensee-authorised representative licensing model: Theory and Australian empi

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidencei mteindetik 'n'Dobtor in die Jdosofie bebaal, net SOOS It verwag bet.Aiboewei II nie meet' saam met m\f is om in bierdie prestasie te dee! nie, ‘Ek w

eet II is alt\fci met m\f tn die gees.Ik dank u vir u loegewyde oilers en tie Ide wat my tot bierdie oombltk toegelei bet.Mel rose íieỊdevoíte tiefde, Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

u dogterAngieIIACKNOWLEDGEMENTSNow this work is completed. I acknowledge foremost, my God and Saviour. Next. I am eternally grateful to those who wer

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

e knowingly, and unknowingly, pan of this journey. Most importantly, my earnest gratitude goes to Hugh, a husband like no other, as well as our loving

• RMITUNIVERSITYLegitimacy of the current Australian Financial Services Licensee-authorised representative licensing model: Theory and Australian empi

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidenceaster ride of setbacks and breakthroughs. Your love, sacrifices, understanding and support were the main contributors to the success of this research.

Sony for the high emotional, mental, social and even physical price we all paid during this difficult PhD journey. Apologies for my selfishness and n Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

eglect of my obligations and responsibilities as wife and mother to you all during this ride. Forgive me for not being present when you needed me most

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

. Recognitions also extends to my extended family, friends and acquaintances for keeping in touch with the hermit I have become.I specially acknowledg

• RMITUNIVERSITYLegitimacy of the current Australian Financial Services Licensee-authorised representative licensing model: Theory and Australian empi

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidencegement, together with the support from the academic and professional staff at RMIT's School of Accounting. Flinders University's Business School, and

Central Queensland University's School of Business and Law. has also not gone unnoticed. A special mention goes to Professor Pi-Shen Seet who. unknown Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

to him. played a vital role in the success of this thesis To you I am sincerely grateful for your suggestion to read the literature on legitimacy and

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

institutional theory' during a question and answer session at one of my presentations on the topic. Doing so led to the formulation of a key part of

• RMITUNIVERSITYLegitimacy of the current Australian Financial Services Licensee-authorised representative licensing model: Theory and Australian empi

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidencealt. Troy Penney. Sonnie Bailey. Aleks Vickovich and those many unnamed financial planners for then constructive critical commentaries via the survey,

social media, email, face-to-face and telephone. Thank you also to the attendees at the Annual Personal Finance and Investment Symposiums of 2014. 20 Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

15. 2016 and 2017 for listening and providing valuable critical feedback on several conference papers relating to this research. My gratitude extends

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidence

to the Financial Planning Research Journal team for publishing a papei on this controversial matter.To Gill Lilley and my sister Antoinette Sweetman.

• RMITUNIVERSITYLegitimacy of the current Australian Financial Services Licensee-authorised representative licensing model: Theory and Australian empi

Doctoral thesis of philosophy legitimacy of the current australian financial services licensee authorised representative licensing model theory and australian empirical evidenceor your dedication to publish your respected woiks for me to citeIIIEXECUTIVE SUMMARY

• RMITUNIVERSITYLegitimacy of the current Australian Financial Services Licensee-authorised representative licensing model: Theory and Australian empi