Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

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Nội dung chi tiết: Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

• RMITUNIVERSITYStudies in the performance of fire-resistant woven fabrics for Australian Firefighting Station WearA thesis submitted in fulfilment of

Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wearf the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Technology (Fashion &. Textiles)Vanessa PerriBAppSc (Textile Technology) with Distinction. RM11 Universi

tySchool of l ashion and TextilesCollege of Design and Social ContextRMIT UniversityJuly. 2016Declaration1 certify that except where due acknowledgeme Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

nt has been made, the work is that of the author alone: the work has not been submitted previously, in whole or in part, to qualify for any other acad

Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

emic award: the content of the thesis is the result of work which has been carried out since the official commencement date of the approved research p

• RMITUNIVERSITYStudies in the performance of fire-resistant woven fabrics for Australian Firefighting Station WearA thesis submitted in fulfilment of

Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wearnessa PerriJuly. 2016iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to thank all firefighters (past and present) for their courage and commitment in protecting commun

ities throughout the nation.1 would like to acknowledge and thank my supervisors Professor Rajiv Padhye and Dr. Lyndon Arnold for their continued supp Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

ort, guidance and encouragement throughout the years. Also, thank you Dr. Lyndon Arnold for your valuable suggestions and patience in thesis revision.

Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

I also wish Io express my gratitude lo RMIT University and the School of Fashion and Textiles for funding this research.My sincere thanks to Bruck rex

• RMITUNIVERSITYStudies in the performance of fire-resistant woven fabrics for Australian Firefighting Station WearA thesis submitted in fulfilment of

Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wearIo my research. 1 wish to express thanks to Russell Shephard ( Australasian 1 ire and Emergency Sen ice Authorities Council (AFAC)), Mark Tarbell and

Jeff Green (CFA): Arthur Tindall AFSM (SACFS): Darren Warwick tMFB): Hugh Jones (TFS): Clinton Demkin (NSWFB): Cameron Stott (SAMIS): Chris Lucas and Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

Bill Wright (Bureau of Meteorology): Dr. Brad Aisbell (Faculty of Health. School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Deakin University); Warren lloarc

Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

(Lion Apparel): Wendy MacManus and Ron Williams.My appreciation is also extended to Mr. Stanley M. l ergusson for his assistance with sourcing raw mat

• RMITUNIVERSITYStudies in the performance of fire-resistant woven fabrics for Australian Firefighting Station WearA thesis submitted in fulfilment of

Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear graciously permitting use of their facilities and for their assistance during textile testing: Dr. Sylw ia Bogus/ for her guidance in the beginning o

f the thesis writing process, and the late Harold Heffernan for his knowledge, guidance and support, your cheeky laugh and smile are greatly missed.Fo Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

r their administrative assistance. 1 wish to thank Dr. Jenny Underwood (Higher Degree by Research Coordinator). David Castle (Research Administration

Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

Officer) and Belinda Michail (Research Administration officer).iiiI would like to thank my devoted family for their love and support, especially my mu

• RMITUNIVERSITYStudies in the performance of fire-resistant woven fabrics for Australian Firefighting Station WearA thesis submitted in fulfilment of

Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear most important person in my life. Daniel Pell, thank you for your endless love and unfailing support which gave me the encouragement and determinatio

n to complete my master's degree.ivDEDICATIONThis work is dedicated to my late father. Cosimo Michael Perri. You are always in my heart, and will fore Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear

ver be missed.VContentsDeclaration..........................................................................iiAcknowledgements........................

Masters thesis of technology (fashion textiles) studies in the performance of fire resistant woven fabrics for australian firefighting station wear


• RMITUNIVERSITYStudies in the performance of fire-resistant woven fabrics for Australian Firefighting Station WearA thesis submitted in fulfilment of

• RMITUNIVERSITYStudies in the performance of fire-resistant woven fabrics for Australian Firefighting Station WearA thesis submitted in fulfilment of